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Struct Manus::CoreSDK::CoordinateSystemVUH

ClassList > Manus > CoreSDK > CoordinateSystemVUH

Stores the information regarding the coordinate system used by the client, defined as VUH (view, up, handedness).

Public Attributes

Type Name
Side handedness
float unitScale
AxisPolarity up
AxisView view

Public Functions

Type Name
CoordinateSystemVUH (AxisView p_View, AxisPolarity p_Up, Side p_Handedness, float p_UnitScale)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable handedness

Side Manus.CoreSDK.CoordinateSystemVUH.handedness;

variable unitScale

float Manus.CoreSDK.CoordinateSystemVUH.unitScale;

variable up

AxisPolarity Manus.CoreSDK.CoordinateSystemVUH.up;

variable view

AxisView Manus.CoreSDK.CoordinateSystemVUH.view;

Public Functions Documentation

function CoordinateSystemVUH

inline Manus::CoreSDK::CoordinateSystemVUH::CoordinateSystemVUH (
    AxisView p_View,
    AxisPolarity p_Up,
    Side p_Handedness,
    float p_UnitScale

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Core/ManusSDKTypes.cs