Class Manus::Networking::Sync::ActivenessSync
ClassList > Manus > Networking > Sync > ActivenessSync
This syncs a GameObject's activeness state.
Inherits the following classes: Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync
Public Functions
Type | Name |
override void | Clean () The function called when a Syncable needs to be cleaned. This function should make the IsDirty return false. |
override void | Initialize (Manus.Networking.NetObject p_Object) The function called when a NetObject is Initialized. |
override bool | IsDirty () The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced. |
override void | ReceiveData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Receives all information that needs to be synced. |
override void | WriteData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Writes all information that needs to be synced. |
Public Functions inherited from Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync
See Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync
Type | Name |
void | Clean () The function called when a Syncable needs to be cleaned. This function should make the IsDirty return false. |
void | Initialize (NetObject p_Object) The function called when a NetObject is Initialized. |
bool | IsDirty () The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced. |
virtual void | OnGainOwnership (NetObject p_Object) Called when this game instance gets control of the NetObject. |
virtual void | OnLoseOwnership (NetObject p_Object) Called when this game instance loses control of the NetObject. |
void | ReceiveData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Receives all information that needs to be synced. |
void | WriteData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Writes all information that needs to be synced. |
Public Functions Documentation
function Clean
function Initialize
The function called when a NetObject is Initialized.
inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ActivenessSync::Initialize (
Manus.Networking.NetObject p_Object
The Net Object this Sync belongs to.
function IsDirty
The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced.
Returns true if it need to be Synced.
function ReceiveData
Receives all information that needs to be synced.
inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ActivenessSync::ReceiveData (
LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg
The buffer to read the data from
function WriteData
Writes all information that needs to be synced.
The buffer to write the data to
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Sync/ActivenessSync.cs