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Tracking Systems

MANUS Core supports a variety of tracking systems. These systems are used to add absolute space tracking to hand data for use in XR, robotics and motion capture or used in our full body solve (Polygon).

Data is expressed in the form of Trackers, an absolute position and rotation in 3D space. This data can then drive hand positioning and / or a full body solve. The raw data can also be used in our plugins for full customizability.

Supported Tracking systems

Currently the following tracking systems are supported.


Using SteamVR the transformation data of devices are sent out as trackers. This includes devices like our own MANUS Pro Tracker, HTC Vive Tracker, HMDs and controllers. Please refer to our article for in-depth setup instructions.

Meta Quest

When using a Meta Quest to provide tracking it's advised to set up the Meta Quest to work with SteamVR, either using Meta Quest (Air)link or Steam Link. The positioning of the controllers and headset can be used in MANUS Core. Please refer to our Meta Quest article for setup instructions.

Standalone VR

When using MANUS glove devices on Meta Quest devices it's required to use a pc to run the VR app. Standalone VR is currently not supported.

Advanced Realtime Tracking (ART)

The ART system is used in many VR and cave setups. It's able to track optical marker rigid shapes and communicate these back to MANUS Core to facilitate tracking of MANUS products. Please refer to our ART article for setup instructions.

Vicon Shogun

It's possible to stream marker rigidbody positions from a Vicon Shogun Live setup. These rigidbodies will be accessible within Core as trackers. This is useful to get absolute hand positioning when exporting virtual markers. Please refer to our Vicon Shogun article for setup instructions.


Our integrations also support manually sending tracking data to the tracking system. Please refer to our article for more information.

Tracker assignment

Tracking data can be assigned to a user where they belong to specific parts of the body. This is done from the user properties tab in the MANUS Core Dashboard.

Hand tracking

When trackers are assigned to the hands they are used for absolute positioning of the gloves.

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The exact position and orientation of the tracker in relation to the glove can vary per tracker type. MANUS Core ships with an array of common glove-tracker combinations. You can load these from the user properties tab and tweak them and save them as needed.


The exact positioning of the sensors on the hand and the specific user's hand sizing can impact the accuracy of the presets. When high accuracy is required please use them as a starting point and adjust them as needed.

Please refer to our article how to configure tracker offets.

Full body tracking

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A full body solve is available when using a minimum of six trackers mounted to the body.


A multi-step calibration procedure is required to pinpoint the exact user dimensions and the positions of the trackers. Please refer to our Full body set-up and calibration article.