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This guide delves into how to use the ART tracking system for absolute hand glove positioning.

Marker shape configuration

When tracking multiple objects in ART, it's advised to use the MANUS shape configurator.

Shape configuration

Marker locations are divided into 4 groups: Top, Bottom, Left and Right. Left and Right each have 5 columns (A, B, C, D and E). Left and Right each have 8-15 rows (1-8, 1-10, 1-12, 1-14, 1-15). Top and Bottom are always the same position, Left and Right differ between different sets. You will always need 4 markers in total.

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Main shapes

These are the shape configurations we recommend using.

Shape ID Top Bottom Left Right
1 Yes Yes A1 A1
4 Yes Yes A5 A1
7 Yes Yes A1 B5
10 Yes Yes A1 C3
13 Yes Yes A1 C9
16 Yes Yes A3 B3
19 Yes Yes A3 B7
22 Yes Yes C1 A1
25 Yes Yes C12 C6
28 Yes Yes C1 C7
31 Yes Yes D1 E5
34 Yes Yes D1 A3

All shapes

Below is a complete list of all shape confgurations. We recommend using the main shapes first before using this list.

Shape ID Top Bottom Left Right
1 Yes Yes A1 A1
2 Yes Yes A1 A3
3 Yes Yes A1 A6
4 Yes Yes A5 A1
5 Yes Yes A6 A1
6 Yes Yes A1 B2
7 Yes Yes A1 B5
8 Yes Yes A1 B6
9 Yes Yes A1 C1
10 Yes Yes A1 C3
11 Yes Yes A1 C5
12 Yes Yes A1 C7
13 Yes Yes A1 C9
14 Yes Yes A1 C11
15 Yes Yes A3 B1
16 Yes Yes A3 B3
17 Yes Yes A3 B4
18 Yes Yes A3 B5
19 Yes Yes A3 B7
20 Yes Yes A3 B9
21 Yes Yes A3 B10
22 Yes Yes C1 A1
23 Yes Yes C2 A1
24 Yes Yes C10 A1
25 Yes Yes C12 C6
26 Yes Yes C1 A6
27 Yes Yes C1 B4
28 Yes Yes C1 C7
29 Yes Yes C3 D7
30 Yes Yes D1 D1
31 Yes Yes D1 E5
32 Yes Yes D1 D8
33 Yes Yes D1 D11
34 Yes Yes D1 A3

Configuring Dtrack

In Dtrack the custom shapes need to be added one by one. Make sure no other optical markers are visible when calibrating.


Set up DTrack so that it can stream to other applications. Please take note of the UDP port specified here for later.

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MANUS Core Configuration

In MANUS Core Dashboard settings navigate down to Tracking Systems, set the ART port to whatever specified in DTrack (5000 by default) and enable the ART checkbox.

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It's also advised to keep the keep tracker position setting On in the tracking subsection. ART trackers will default back to world zero when tracking is lost. This setting makes sure they stay in their last known position when tracking is temporarily lost.