Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- namespace AOT
- namespace Lidgren
- namespace Network
- class CryptoRandom RNGCryptoServiceProvider based random; very slow but cryptographically safe.
- class MWCRandom Multiply With Carry random.
- class MersenneTwisterRandom Mersenne Twister based random.
- class NamespaceDoc Lidgren Network Library.
- class NetAESEncryption
- class NetBigInteger Big integer class based on BouncyCastle ( ) big integer code.
- class NetBitVector Fixed size vector of booleans.
- class NetBitWriter Helper class for NetBuffer to write/read bits.
- class NetBlockEncryptionBase Base for a non-threadsafe encryption class.
- class NetBuffer Base class for NetIncomingMessage and NetOutgoingMessage.
- class NetClient Specialized version of NetPeer used for a "client" connection. It does not accept any incoming connections and maintains a ServerConnection property.
- class NetConnection Represents a connection to a remote peer.
- class NetConnectionStatistics Statistics for a NetConnection instance.
- class NetConstants All the constants used when compiling the library.
- class NetCryptoProviderBase
- class NetCryptoProviderEncryption
- class NetDESEncryption
- class NetEncryption Interface for an encryption algorithm.
- class NetException Exception thrown in the Lidgren Network Library.
- class NetFragmentationHelper
- class NetFragmentationInfo
- class NetIncomingMessage Incoming message either sent from a remote peer or generated within the library.
- class NetOutgoingMessage Outgoing message used to send data to remote peer(s)
- class NetPeer Represents a local peer capable of holding zero, one or more connections to remote peers.
- class NetPeerConfiguration Partly immutable after NetPeer has been initialized.
- class NetPeerStatistics Statistics for a NetPeer instance.
- class NetQueue Thread safe (blocking) expanding queue with TryDequeue() and EnqueueFirst()
- class NetRC2Encryption
- class NetRandom NetRandom base class.
- class NetRandomSeed Class for generating random seeds.
- class NetReceiverChannelBase
- class NetReliableOrderedReceiver
- class NetReliableSenderChannel Sender part of Selective repeat ARQ for a particular NetChannel.
- class NetReliableSequencedReceiver
- class NetReliableUnorderedReceiver
- class NetSRP Helper methods for implementing SRP authentication.
- class NetSenderChannelBase
- class NetServer Specialized version of NetPeer used for "server" peers.
- struct NetStoredReliableMessage
- class NetTime Time service.
- class NetTripleDESEncryption
- struct NetTuple
- class NetUPnP UPnP support class.
- class NetUnreliableSenderChannel Sender part of Selective repeat ARQ for a particular NetChannel.
- class NetUnreliableSequencedReceiver
- class NetUnreliableUnorderedReceiver
- class NetUtility Utility methods.
- class NetXorEncryption Example class; not very good encryption.
- class NetXtea Methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XTEA algorithm.
- class ReceivedFragmentGroup
- struct SingleUIntUnion Utility struct for writing Singles.
- class XorShiftRandom Xor Shift based random.
- namespace Network
- namespace Manus
- class CommunicationHub This class is responsible for the communication between Manus Core and the plugin. This component should not be added to the scene manually. Most of these functions are not to be accessed directly.
- class ErgonomicsEvent
- struct ErgonomicsStream
- class GestureEvent
- struct Landscape
- struct UserLandscapeData
- struct UserProfileLandscapeData
- struct UserLandscapeData
- class LandscapeEvent
- class RawSkeletonEvent
- class SkeletonEvent
- class SystemMessageEvent
- class TrackerEvent
- class CoreBrowser Custom in scene browser for Manus Core instances.
- class CoreSDK
- struct BoxColliderSetup Stores all the settings of a collider of type box.
- struct CapsuleColliderSetup Stores all the settings of a collider of type capsule.
- struct ChainSettings Stores all chain settings.
- struct ChainSettingsArm Stores all the settings of a chain of type arm.
- struct ChainSettingsFinger Stores all the settings of a chain of type finger.
- struct ChainSettingsFoot Stores all the settings of a chain of type foot.
- struct ChainSettingsHand Stores all the settings of a chain of type hand.
- struct ChainSettingsHead Stores all the settings of a chain of type head.
- struct ChainSettingsLeg Stores all the settings of a chain of type leg.
- struct ChainSettingsNeck Stores all the settings of a chain of type neck.
- struct ChainSettingsPelvis Stores all the settings of a chain of type pelvis.
- struct ChainSettingsShoulder Stores all the settings of a chain of type shoulder.
- struct ChainSettingsSpine Stores all the settings of a chain of type spine.
- struct ChainSettingsToe Stores all the settings of a chain of type toe.
- struct ChainSetup Stores the chain setup information.
- struct ColliderSetup Stores the collider setup information.
- struct Color Color containing red, green, blue and alpha.
- struct CoordinateSystemDirection Stores the information regarding the coordinate system used by the client, defined by each axis direction.
- struct CoordinateSystemVUH Stores the information regarding the coordinate system used by the client, defined as VUH (view, up, handedness).
- struct DeviceLandscape Stores all the information related to the devices present in the landscape.
- struct DongleLandscapeData Stores all the received dongle data.
- struct ErgonomicsData Stores the received ergonomics data.
- struct ErgonomicsStream Stores the information sent by the ergonomics stream.
- struct ExtraTrackerOffset Stores possible extra offsets to the trackers.
- struct FirmwareVersion
- struct GestureLandscapeData Contains information about a gesture.
- struct GestureProbabilities
- struct GestureProbability
- struct GestureStream
- struct GestureStreamInfo
- struct GloveCalibrationArgs
- struct GloveCalibrationStepArgs
- struct GloveCalibrationStepData
- struct GloveLandscapeData Stores all the received glove data.
- struct IMUCalibrationInfo Information regarding IMU sensors used for calibration.
- struct InternalTrackerStreamInfo
- struct Landscape Stores the landscape data.
- struct LicenseInfo Stores the license information.
- class ManusDLLImport
- struct ManusHost
- struct ManusQuaternion A quaternion, used for rotations.
- struct ManusTimestamp A compressed timestamp.
- struct ManusTimestampInfo A Timestamp.
- struct ManusTransform Transform containing position, rotation and scaling.
- struct ManusVec2 A 2D vector, used for translations.
- struct ManusVec3 A 3D vector, used for translations.
- struct ManusVersion Stores a single version string.
- struct Measurement Stores informations regarding the lengths of different parts of the body.
- struct NetDeviceLandscapeData Contains information about a net devices.
- struct NetDevicesLandscape Contains information about a single net device.
- struct NodeInfo
- struct NodeSettings Stores all the node settings.
- struct NodeSettingsFoot Stores the settings for a node of type foot, heightFromGround is used to set the height of the 3d model ankle from ground.
- struct NodeSettingsIK Stores the inverse kinematics settings of a node, the ikAim is used to control the IK solve, 1 is default, -1 is inversed.
- struct NodeSettingsLeaf Stores the settings of a node of type leaf, the direction vector is defined with respect to the previous node in the chain.
- struct NodeSettingsRotationOffset Stores the rotation offset of a node, this is used internally for building the skeleton.
- struct NodeSetup
- struct RawDeviceData
- struct RawDeviceDataInfo
- struct RawSkeleton
- struct RawSkeletonInfo Stores the information regarding the skeletons coming from the estimation system in core.
- struct RawSkeletonStream
- struct SettingsLandscape Stores the landscape settings.
- struct Skeleton
- struct SkeletonInfo Stores the information regarding the skeletons that have been added to Manus Core.
- struct SkeletonLandscape Stores all the information related to the skeletons present in the landscape.
- struct SkeletonLandscapeData Stores all the received skeleton data.
- struct SkeletonNode
- struct SkeletonSettings Stores all the possible skeleton settings.
- struct SkeletonSetupArraySizes Stores the amount of nodes and chains in the skeleton setup.
- struct SkeletonSetupInfo Stores the skeleton setup information.
- struct SkeletonStream
- struct SkeletonStreamInfo Stores the information sent by the skeleton stream.
- struct SkeletonTargetAnimationData Stores the information regarding the animation data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct SkeletonTargetGloveData Stores the information regarding the glove data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct SkeletonTargetUserData Stores the information regarding the user data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct SkeletonTargetUserIndexData Stores the information regarding the user index data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct SphereColliderSetup Stores all the settings of a collider of type sphere.
- struct SystemMessage Stores the data associated to System messages received from Core.
- struct TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions Stores the temporary skeleton available for all sessions connected to Core.
- struct TemporarySkeletonCountForSession Stores the temporary skeletons available for a specific session.
- struct TemporarySkeletonInfo Stores the temporary skeleton information.
- struct TemporarySkeletonSessionsData ONLY USED INTERNALLY.
- struct TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession Stores the temporary skeletons available for a specific session.
- struct TimeLandscape
- struct TimecodeInterface
- struct TrackerData Stores all the tracker data that can be sent or received.
- struct TrackerId Stores the name of a tracker.
- struct TrackerLandscape Stores all the information related to the trackers present in the landscape.
- struct TrackerLandscapeData Stores all the received tracker data.
- struct TrackerOffset Stores the local offsets to the trackers.
- struct TrackerStream
- struct TrackerStreamInfo Stores the information sent by the tracker stream.
- struct Triangle Stores the triangle information.
- struct UserLandscape Stores all the information related to the users present in the landscape.
- struct UserLandscapeData Stores all the received user data.
- struct UserProfileLandscapeData Stores all the received user profile data.
- struct Version Used to describe hardware, firmware or ManusCore version.
- struct Vertex Stores the vertex information.
- struct Weight Stores the vertex weight information.
- namespace Editor
- class CoreEditor Custom in engine inspector window for interacting with communication hub.
- class SkeletonDataEditor Custom inspector view for skeleton component.
- namespace Haptics
- class CollisionInfo Holds information about collisions.
- class FingerHaptics This is the class which needs to be on a finger of a hand, it automatically creates Joint Haptics on children with colliders. Each of the colliders attributes to a percentage of the haptic strength. If all colliders are colliding with an object the maximum amount of haptic is triggered. For example if 3 Colliders exist on the finger, and only 2 of these are touching a collider, the haptic value will be 0.666f.
- class HandHaptics This is the class which needs to be on every hand in order for all the other hand related components to function correctly. In order for the haptics to function each of the fingers on the hand will need a FingerHaptics class with the correct finger type set. These are generated via the skeleton if not present as long as haptics are enabled on the skeleton. The FingerHaptics will generate haptic values for this class to give to the hand.
- namespace Interaction
- class ColliderGenerator
- class GeneratedCollider
- class CollisionArea This class keeps track of collisions that are detected between it and other objects. These objects are allowed to be triggers IF they belong to a HandCollider.
- class GestureTeleporter
- class GrabbableObject This class makes an object grabbable in the most basic of ways. It changes its position and rotation according to the hands grabbing it.
- class GrabbedObject This component is usually on an object that is currently being grabbed by one or more hands. It should not be added via the editor since the linkage between it and any interactors would be broken. It handles all the IGrabbable implementations on the object.
- class Info This class contains information on a certain grab.
- class HandGrab
- interface IGrabbable This interface is required for objects to be grabbable. This interface must be used in combination with a MonoBehaviour in order for it to actually function. It allows for specific behavior when an object is being grabbed or released.
- interface IValue
- class InteractionHand This class is used to detect collisions with the hand. It is required on a hand in order for CollisionAreas to find a hand.
- class MovableObject This is a movable object implementation, the sliders are grabbable and movablee.
- class ExtraGrabInfo
- class PushButton A simple button implementation, has two ways of being turned on or off.
- class RockerSwitch A rocker switch implementation, has an On and Off state.
- class TeleportationArea
- class ThrowableObject This class makes an object throwable. It analyzes the last few positions and rotations and uses these to estimate the throwing speed when released.
- class TurnableObject This is a turnable object implementation, the valves, wheels, dials are grabbable and rotatable.
- class ExtraGrabInfo
- class ColliderGenerator
- namespace InteractionScene
- class ObjectInfluencedByValues This class is used in the Demo to demonstrate interaction between all the interactables and other objects. This code is purely demonstrational and probably does not have much use outside this specific scenario.
- class Influencer
- class ResettableInteractable This class is used in the Demo to reset interactable objects to their original positions. This code is purely demonstrational and probably does not have much use outside this specific scenario.
- class ObjectInfluencedByValues This class is used in the Demo to demonstrate interaction between all the interactables and other objects. This code is purely demonstrational and probably does not have much use outside this specific scenario.
- class ManusManager This is the central location for all communication between certain aspects of the Manus Plugin.
- class ManusSettings The global Settings used by the Manus Manager.
- namespace Networking
- class Client The basic Client Implementation. This class should be inherited from in order to make additions such as specific message listening. This can be done through the RegisterMessage function. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage.
- namespace Message
- class NetLobbyInfo Sample Lobby Info.
- class NetObject This is the Networked Object behaviour, it contains the most basic required information on a Networked Object. The NetObject has information on Ownership and Ownership changes. It keeps track of all the Syncables and helps manage data changes and gathering.
- class NetObjectManager This Manager ensures that all NetObjects (if used correctly) have Unique IDs. The NetObjectManager should only be used via the NetworkManager, Server and Client. Using it elsewhere may cause out of sync problems.
- class NetworkManager The basic NetworkManager Implementation. There should only be one NetworkManager in a project. This class should be inherited from in order to use your own Client and Server implementation. This class handles generic functions such as Hosting, Joining, Object spawning and removing.
- class Peer This class is what the Client and Server are based upon. It contains information and functions required for basic functionality.
- class Server The basic Server Implementation. This class should be inherited from in order to make additions such as specific message listening. This can be done through the RegisterMessage function. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage.
- class SimpleClient A sample Client implementation which can receive details about hosted games and utilizes the SimpleInterface.
- class SimpleInterface A sample Interface which can be used to host or join a game.
- class SimpleLobbyBrowser A sample Lobby Browser to display how one might want to show lobbies.
- class SimpleNetworkManager A sample NetworkManager implementation which can be used to host or join a game with client/server specific implementations.
- class SimpleServer This is an example of a Server implementation. It has lobby information, which it sends upon request.
- namespace Sync
- class ActivenessSync This syncs a GameObject's activeness state.
- class BaseSync This is the Base Class of the Syncs. All these functions are expected to be implemented by the Sync classes.
- class ChatSync
- class GrabbableObjectSync This component syncs the necessary Hand information between the server and clients.
- class HandGrabSync This is syncs the necessary Hand information.
- class SkeletonSync This is syncs the necessary Hand information.
- class TransformSync This syncs the transform position, rotation and scale.
- class WorldTransformSync This syncs the world space transform position and rotation. It syncs the local scale.
- namespace Skeletons
- class Chain Skeleton chains for animation.
- class ColliderSetup Collider setup for animation collisions.
- class MeshSetup Collider setup for animation collisions.
- class Node Skeleton nodes for animation of skeleton.
- class Skeleton Skeleton handles all animation based on Polygon data from Manus Core.
- class SkeletonData Skeleton data holds all data from the skeleton.
- class TransformValues Transform values from nodes.
- namespace Trackers
- class CustomTracker
- class HandTrackerSender
- class TrackedObject This component allows an object to be moved according to a tracker position and orientation.
- class Tracker Tracker information.
- namespace Utility A thread-safe class which holds a queue with actions to execute on the next Update() method. It can be used to make calls to the main thread for things such as UI Manipulation in Unity. It was developed for use in combination with the Firebase Unity plugin, which uses separate threads for event handling.
- class ComponentUtil
- class EnumFlagsAttribute
- class Extensions
- class GizmoShapes
- class UnityMainThreadDispatcher
- class CommunicationHub This class is responsible for the communication between Manus Core and the plugin. This component should not be added to the scene manually. Most of these functions are not to be accessed directly.
- namespace CoreSDK
- namespace System
- namespace Collections
- namespace Generic
- namespace Diagnostics
- namespace CodeAnalysis
- namespace Globalization
- namespace IO
- namespace Linq
- namespace Net
- namespace NetworkInformation
- namespace Sockets
- namespace Reflection
- namespace InteropServices
- namespace Serialization
- namespace Security
- namespace Cryptography
- namespace Text
- namespace RegularExpressions
- namespace Threading
- namespace Tasks
- namespace Xml
- namespace UnityEditor
- namespace UnityEngine
- namespace Events
- namespace UI
- namespace UIElements
- namespace static