Group ManusBlueprintTypes
Type | Name |
struct | FGestureLandscapeData Contains information about a gesture. |
struct | FManusBone All available data on a single skeleton bone. |
struct | FManusChainSettingToe The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettings The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsArm The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsFinger The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsFoot The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsHand The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsHead The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsLeg The leet chain settings. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsNeck The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsPelvis The pelvis chain settings. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsShoulder The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSettingsSpine The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusChainSetup The basic chain from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusErgonomicsData All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received. |
struct | FManusMetaSkeleton All available data on a single skeleton. |
struct | FManusNodeSettings The basic nodesettings for a node. multiple settings can be used at the same time. |
struct | FManusNodeSettingsFoot node settings for the foot. |
struct | FManusNodeSettingsIK node settings for Inverse Kinematics |
struct | FManusNodeSettingsLeaf Defines the node leaf settings. |
struct | FManusNodeSettingsRotationOffset defines the rotation offset |
struct | FManusNodeSetup The basic node from which a skeleton is built. |
struct | FManusSkeletonSetup All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received. |
struct | FManusSkeletonTargetAnimationData Stores the information regarding the animation data used to animate the skeleton. |
struct | FManusSkeletonTargetGloveData Stores the information regarding the glove data used to animate the skeleton. |
struct | FManusSkeletonTargetUserData Stores the information regarding the user data used to animate the skeleton. |
struct | FManusSkeletonTargetUserIndexData Stores the information regarding the user index data used to animate the skeleton. |
struct | FManusTracker All available data on a tracker. |
Public Types
Type | Name |
enum uint8 | EManusChainType type of chain in the skeleton |
enum uint8 | EManusFingerName A way to identify fingers by a name and number. |
enum uint8 | EManusGloveType An enum used to define the glove types. |
enum uint8 | EManusHandMotion type of hand motion used |
enum uint8 | EManusHandType An enum used to denote a left or a right hand. |
enum uint8 | EManusMotionCaptureType Manus motion capture types. |
enum uint8 | EManusNodeSettingsFlag enum used to combine flags of which nodesettings are used for handling flags correctly as uproperties see and the var UsedSettings we adjusted in this source code further below |
enum uint8 | EManusNodeType type of node in the skeleton |
enum uint8 | EManusRet An enum used as a return value for some Manus plugin functions. It must match the WrapperReturnCode enum in ManusSdkTypes.h. |
enum uint8 | EManusSide An enum used to denote a left, right or center. |
enum uint8 | EManusSkeletonTargetType enum used to define the different types of animation used for skeleton |
enum uint8 | EManusSkeletonType enum used to define the different types of animation used for skeleton |
enum uint8 | EManusTrackingBodyPart The parts of the body that can be tracked. |
enum uint8 | EManusTrackingDeviceType The types of tracking devices that can be used. |
Public Types Documentation
enum EManusChainType
enum EManusChainType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Arm"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Leg"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Neck"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Spine"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerThumb"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerIndex"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerMiddle"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerRing"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerPinky"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Pelvis"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Head"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Shoulder"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Hand"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Foot"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Toe")
enum EManusFingerName
enum EManusFingerName {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Thumb"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Index"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Middle"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Ring"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Pinky"),
UMETA =(Hidden)
enum EManusGloveType
enum EManusHandMotion
enum EManusHandMotion {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "None"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "IMU"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Tracker"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Tracker_RotationOnly"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Auto")
enum EManusHandType
enum EManusHandType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Left"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Right"),
UMETA =(Hidden)
enum EManusMotionCaptureType
enum EManusMotionCaptureType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Full Body with Polygon"),
UMETA =(Hidden)
enum EManusNodeSettingsFlag
enum EManusNodeSettingsFlag {
None = 0 UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
IK = 1 << 0 UMETA(DisplayName = "IK"),
Foot = 1 << 1 UMETA(DisplayName = "Foot"),
RotationOffset = 1 << 2 UMETA(DisplayName = "RotationOffset"),
Leaf = 1 << 3 UMETA(DisplayName = "Leaf")
enum EManusNodeType
enum EManusNodeType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Joint"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Mesh")
enum EManusRet
enum EManusRet {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Success"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Error"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "InvalidArgument"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "ArgumentSizeMismatch"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "UnsupportedStringSizeEncountered"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "SDKNotAvailable"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "HostFinderNotAvailable"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "DataNotAvailable"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "MemoryError"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "InternalError"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "FunctionCalledAtWrongTime"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "NotConnected"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "ConnectionTimeout"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "NoHostFound")
enum EManusSide
enum EManusSide {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Left"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Right"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Center"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid")
enum EManusSkeletonTargetType
enum EManusSkeletonTargetType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "UserData"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "UserIndexData"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "AnimationData"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "GloveData")
enum EManusSkeletonType
enum EManusSkeletonType {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Hand"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Body"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Both")
enum EManusTrackingBodyPart
enum EManusTrackingBodyPart {
UMETA =(DisplayName = "None"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "LeftHand"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "RightHand"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "LeftFoot"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "RightFoot"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Head"),
UMETA =(DisplayName = "Waist")