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Class UManusComponent

ClassList > UManusComponent

A Skeletal Mesh component animated by a Manus Glove.

  • #include <ManusComponent.h>

Inherits the following classes: USkeletalMeshComponent

Public Attributes

Type Name
float LeftHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers
Vibrate powers coming from collision detection for each finger of the left hand.
int32 ManusReplicatorId
ID of the Manus replicator to be used with this Manus component.
class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton
The Manus skeleton to use.
FManusComponentGestureFinishedSignature OnGestureFinished
FManusComponentGestureOnGoingSignature OnGestureOnGoing
FManusComponentGestureStartedSignature OnGestureStarted
float RightHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers
Vibrate powers coming from collision detection for each finger of the right hand.
bool bFingerHaptics
Whether to apply finger haptics on the Manus Gloves (only works with Haptic Gloves).

Public Functions

Type Name
virtual void BeginDestroy () override
virtual void BeginPlay () override
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_ThreeParams (FManusComponentGestureOnGoingSignature, EManusHandType, HandType, FName, GestureName, float, Duration)
Delegate called every frame for each on-going gesture.
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams (FManusComponentGestureStartedSignature, EManusHandType, HandType, FName, GestureName)
Delegate called every frame for each gesture that just started.
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams (FManusComponentGestureFinishedSignature, EManusHandType, HandType, FName, GestureName)
Delegate called every frame for each gesture that just finished.
virtual void EndPlay (const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason) override
FString GetLiveLinkSubjectName () const
Returns the name of the Live Link subject of this Manus component.
int GetManusSkeletonId () const
get the skeleton id
void InitManusReplicatorID ()
Initialize the Manus replicator ID to be used with this Manus component.
bool IsLocallyControlled () const
Returns whether this component is in a locally controlled Pawn.
bool IsLocallyOwned () const
Returns whether this component is in a locally owned Pawn.
void OnHit (UPrimitiveComponent * HitComp, AActor * OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult & Hit)
Called when the component is hit.
virtual void PostLoad () override
virtual void RefreshManusSkeleton ()
virtual void TickComponent (float DeltaSeconds, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction) override
UManusComponent (const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer)
EManusRet VibrateManusGloveFingers (EManusHandType HandType, float ThumbPower=1.0f, float IndexPower=1.0f, float MiddlePower=1.0f, float RingPower=1.0f, float PinkyPower=1.0f)
Tell the Manus glove of the given hand used by this Manus component to vibrate its fingers. Only works with Haptics Gloves.
EManusRet VibrateManusGloveFingersForSkeleton (int64 SkeletonId, EManusHandType HandType, float ThumbPower=1.0f, float IndexPower=1.0f, float MiddlePower=1.0f, float RingPower=1.0f, float PinkyPower=1.0f)
Tell the Manus glove of the given hand used by this Manus component to vibrate its fingers. Only works with Haptics Gloves.

Protected Functions

Type Name
virtual bool ComponentOverlapMultiImpl (TArray< struct FOverlapResult > & OutOverlaps, const class UWorld * InWorld, const FVector & Pos, const FQuat & Rot, ECollisionChannel TestChannel, const struct FComponentQueryParams & Params, const struct FCollisionObjectQueryParams & ObjectQueryParams=FCollisionObjectQueryParams::DefaultObjectQueryParam) const
Override this method to add the missing Bone names to the overlap results.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable LeftHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers

float UManusComponent::LeftHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers[(int) EManusFingerName::Max];

variable ManusReplicatorId

int32 UManusComponent::ManusReplicatorId;

variable ManusSkeleton

class UManusSkeleton* UManusComponent::ManusSkeleton;

variable OnGestureFinished

FManusComponentGestureFinishedSignature UManusComponent::OnGestureFinished;

variable OnGestureOnGoing

FManusComponentGestureOnGoingSignature UManusComponent::OnGestureOnGoing;

variable OnGestureStarted

FManusComponentGestureStartedSignature UManusComponent::OnGestureStarted;

variable RightHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers

float UManusComponent::RightHandFingersCollisionVibratePowers[(int) EManusFingerName::Max];

variable bFingerHaptics

bool UManusComponent::bFingerHaptics;

Public Functions Documentation

function BeginDestroy

virtual void UManusComponent::BeginDestroy () override

function BeginPlay

virtual void UManusComponent::BeginPlay () override







function EndPlay

virtual void UManusComponent::EndPlay (
    const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason
) override

function GetLiveLinkSubjectName

FString UManusComponent::GetLiveLinkSubjectName () const

function GetManusSkeletonId

int UManusComponent::GetManusSkeletonId () const

function InitManusReplicatorID

void UManusComponent::InitManusReplicatorID () 

function IsLocallyControlled

bool UManusComponent::IsLocallyControlled () const

function IsLocallyOwned

bool UManusComponent::IsLocallyOwned () const

function OnHit

void UManusComponent::OnHit (
    UPrimitiveComponent * HitComp,
    AActor * OtherActor,
    UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp,
    FVector NormalImpulse,
    const FHitResult & Hit

function PostLoad

virtual void UManusComponent::PostLoad () override

function RefreshManusSkeleton

virtual void UManusComponent::RefreshManusSkeleton () 

function TickComponent

virtual void UManusComponent::TickComponent (
    float DeltaSeconds,
    enum ELevelTick TickType,
    FActorComponentTickFunction * ThisTickFunction
) override

function UManusComponent

UManusComponent::UManusComponent (
    const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer

function VibrateManusGloveFingers

Tell the Manus glove of the given hand used by this Manus component to vibrate its fingers. Only works with Haptics Gloves.

EManusRet UManusComponent::VibrateManusGloveFingers (
    EManusHandType HandType,
    float ThumbPower=1.0f,
    float IndexPower=1.0f,
    float MiddlePower=1.0f,
    float RingPower=1.0f,
    float PinkyPower=1.0f


  • HandType The hand type of the glove to look for.
  • ThumbPower The strength of the vibration for the thumb, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • IndexPower The strength of the vibration for the index, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • MiddlePower The strength of the vibration for the middle finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • RingPower The strength of the vibration for the ring finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • PinkyPower The strength of the vibration for the pinky finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.


If the glove fingers were succesfully told to vibrate.

function VibrateManusGloveFingersForSkeleton

Tell the Manus glove of the given hand used by this Manus component to vibrate its fingers. Only works with Haptics Gloves.

EManusRet UManusComponent::VibrateManusGloveFingersForSkeleton (
    int64 SkeletonId,
    EManusHandType HandType,
    float ThumbPower=1.0f,
    float IndexPower=1.0f,
    float MiddlePower=1.0f,
    float RingPower=1.0f,
    float PinkyPower=1.0f


  • SkeletonId The skeleton id of the glove to look for.
  • HandType The hand type of the glove to look for.
  • ThumbPower The strength of the vibration for the thumb, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • IndexPower The strength of the vibration for the index, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • MiddlePower The strength of the vibration for the middle finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • RingPower The strength of the vibration for the ring finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • PinkyPower The strength of the vibration for the pinky finger, between 0.0 and 1.0.


If the glove fingers were succesfully told to vibrate.

Protected Functions Documentation

function ComponentOverlapMultiImpl

virtual bool UManusComponent::ComponentOverlapMultiImpl (
    TArray< struct FOverlapResult > & OutOverlaps,
    const class UWorld * InWorld,
    const FVector & Pos,
    const FQuat & Rot,
    ECollisionChannel TestChannel,
    const struct FComponentQueryParams & Params,
    const struct FCollisionObjectQueryParams & ObjectQueryParams=FCollisionObjectQueryParams::DefaultObjectQueryParam
) const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusComponent.h