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Class FManusModule

ClassList > FManusModule

The main module for the plugin that implements Manus glove support. most of these are based on the IModuleInterface from unreal. so for more details check the unreal documentation.

  • #include <Manus.h>

Inherits the following classes: IModuleInterface

Public Attributes

Type Name
TArray< FManusLiveLinkUser > ManusLiveLinkUsers
The Manus Live Link Users.
TMap< class AController *, class AManusReplicator * > Replicators
The map of the Manus Replicators.

Public Functions

Type Name
void AddObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (int ManusDashboardUserIndex, class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton, UObject * Object)
Adds a new object to the list of objects using a Manus Live Link user based upon the dashboarduserindex and manusskeleton.
bool GetGlovesUsingTrackers ()
This function is for the Demo only.
virtual TSharedPtr< ILiveLinkSource > GetLiveLinkSource (EManusLiveLinkSourceType SourceType)
Get the Live Link source.
FString GetManusCoreIP ()
Get the currently set Manus Core host IP.
FManusLiveLinkUser & GetManusLiveLinkUser (int Index)
Returns the Manus Live Link User at the given index.
int GetManusLiveLinkUserIndex (int ManusDashboardUserIndex, class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton)
Returns the Manus Live Link User index of the given pair of ManusDashboardUserIndex and ManusSkeleton.
void GetRemoteHosts (TArray< FString > & p_Hosts)
Get a list of all remote Manus Core hosts. Don't use this when connected.
bool IsActive ()
Check whether the plugin is currently active.
bool IsAnyObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (int ManusLiveLinkUserIndex)
Returns whether there is any object using the Manus Live Link user.
bool IsAnyReplicatingObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (int ManusLiveLinkUserIndex)
Returns whether there is any replicating object using the Manus Live Link user.
bool IsClient ()
bool IsConnected ()
Check whether the plugin is currently connected.
virtual bool IsLiveLinkSourceValid (EManusLiveLinkSourceType SourceType)
Get whether the Live Link source is valid.
void OnGameModeLogout (class AGameModeBase * GameMode, AController * Exiting)
Called when a player logs out and destroys Manus replicator.
void OnGameModePostLogin (class AGameModeBase * GameMode, APlayerController * NewPlayer)
Called when a new player logs in. spawns a Manus replicator.
void OnLiveLinkSourceRemoved (FGuid SourceGuid)
Get the Live Link source.
void RemoveObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (int ManusDashboardUserIndex, class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton, UObject * Object)
Removes an object from the list of objects using a Manus Live Link user based upon the dashboarduserindex and manusskeleton.
void SetActive (bool bNewIsActive)
Set whether the plugin is currently active.
void SetAsClient (bool p_IsClient)
Set the current session if it is an unreal client.
void SetGlovesUsingTrackers (bool p_UseTrackers)
This function is for the Demo only to indicate trackers are being used.
bool SetManusCoreIP (FString p_ManusIP)
set the Manus Core IP address (usually from the UI to this)
virtual void ShutdownModule () override
Module shutdown.
virtual void StartupModule () override
Module startup.

Public Static Functions

Type Name
FManusModule & Get ()
Singleton-like access to this module's interface.
bool GetPluginData (FPluginDescriptor & PluginData)
Get the plugin data from the uplugin file.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable ManusLiveLinkUsers

TArray<FManusLiveLinkUser> FManusModule::ManusLiveLinkUsers;

variable Replicators

TMap<class AController*, class AManusReplicator*> FManusModule::Replicators;

Public Functions Documentation

function AddObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser

Adds a new object to the list of objects using a Manus Live Link user based upon the dashboarduserindex and manusskeleton.

void FManusModule::AddObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (
    int ManusDashboardUserIndex,
    class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton,
    UObject * Object


  • ManusDashboardUserIndex
  • ManusSkeleton
  • Object

function GetGlovesUsingTrackers

This function is for the Demo only.

bool FManusModule::GetGlovesUsingTrackers () 


true if using trackers.

function GetLiveLinkSource

Get the Live Link source.

inline virtual TSharedPtr< ILiveLinkSource > FManusModule::GetLiveLinkSource (
    EManusLiveLinkSourceType SourceType


  • SourceType @Returns the Live Link source.

function GetManusCoreIP

Get the currently set Manus Core host IP.

FString FManusModule::GetManusCoreIP () 


currently set Manus Core ip

function GetManusLiveLinkUser

Returns the Manus Live Link User at the given index.

FManusLiveLinkUser & FManusModule::GetManusLiveLinkUser (
    int Index


  • Index


FManusLiveLinkUser found or INDEX_NONE if not found.

function GetManusLiveLinkUserIndex

Returns the Manus Live Link User index of the given pair of ManusDashboardUserIndex and ManusSkeleton.

int FManusModule::GetManusLiveLinkUserIndex (
    int ManusDashboardUserIndex,
    class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton


  • ManusDashboardUserIndex
  • ManusSkeleton


user index

function GetRemoteHosts

Get a list of all remote Manus Core hosts. Don't use this when connected.

void FManusModule::GetRemoteHosts (
    TArray< FString > & p_Hosts


  • p_Hosts fills all the available hosts in the TArray.

function IsActive

inline bool FManusModule::IsActive () 

function IsAnyObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser

Returns whether there is any object using the Manus Live Link user.

bool FManusModule::IsAnyObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (
    int ManusLiveLinkUserIndex


  • ManusLiveLinkUserIndex


true if used.

function IsAnyReplicatingObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser

Returns whether there is any replicating object using the Manus Live Link user.

bool FManusModule::IsAnyReplicatingObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (
    int ManusLiveLinkUserIndex


  • ManusLiveLinkUserIndex


true if used

function IsClient

bool FManusModule::IsClient () 


if this is an unreal networked client or not

function IsConnected

bool FManusModule::IsConnected () 

function IsLiveLinkSourceValid

Get whether the Live Link source is valid.

inline virtual bool FManusModule::IsLiveLinkSourceValid (
    EManusLiveLinkSourceType SourceType


  • SourceType @Returns whether the Live Link source is valid.

function OnGameModeLogout

void FManusModule::OnGameModeLogout (
    class AGameModeBase * GameMode,
    AController * Exiting

function OnGameModePostLogin

Called when a new player logs in. spawns a Manus replicator.

void FManusModule::OnGameModePostLogin (
    class AGameModeBase * GameMode,
    APlayerController * NewPlayer


  • GameMode
  • NewPlayer

function OnLiveLinkSourceRemoved

Get the Live Link source.

inline void FManusModule::OnLiveLinkSourceRemoved (
    FGuid SourceGuid


  • SourceGuid @Returns the Live Link source.

function RemoveObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser

Removes an object from the list of objects using a Manus Live Link user based upon the dashboarduserindex and manusskeleton.

void FManusModule::RemoveObjectUsingManusLiveLinkUser (
    int ManusDashboardUserIndex,
    class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton,
    UObject * Object


  • ManusDashboardUserIndex
  • ManusSkeleton
  • Object

function SetActive

void FManusModule::SetActive (
    bool bNewIsActive

function SetAsClient

void FManusModule::SetAsClient (
    bool p_IsClient

function SetGlovesUsingTrackers

This function is for the Demo only to indicate trackers are being used.

void FManusModule::SetGlovesUsingTrackers (
    bool p_UseTrackers


  • p_UseTrackers

function SetManusCoreIP

set the Manus Core IP address (usually from the UI to this)

bool FManusModule::SetManusCoreIP (
    FString p_ManusIP


  • p_ManusIP


true upon succesfully set

function ShutdownModule

virtual void FManusModule::ShutdownModule () override

function StartupModule

virtual void FManusModule::StartupModule () override

Public Static Functions Documentation

function Get

static inline FManusModule & FManusModule::Get () 

function GetPluginData

Get the plugin data from the uplugin file.

static bool FManusModule::GetPluginData (
    FPluginDescriptor & PluginData


  • PluginData


true if version is not empty

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/Manus.h