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Class CoreSdk

ClassList > CoreSdk

Manages all function pointers for the (wrapped) CoreSDK. Used by the blueprint library. Use the blueprint library instead of this whenever possible. or expand blueprintlibrary to call this if needed.

  • #include <CoreSdk.h>


Type Name
struct CoreFunctionPointers

Public Static Functions

Type Name
EManusRet AddChainToSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, const ChainSetup & p_Chain)
add chain to temporary skeleton
EManusRet AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_NodeID, uint32_t * p_MeshSetupIndex)
EManusRet AddNodeToSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, const NodeSetup & p_Node)
add node to temporary skeleton
EManusRet AddTriangleToMeshSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_MeshSetupIndex, Triangle p_Triangle)
EManusRet AddVertexToMeshSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_MeshSetupIndex, Vertex p_Vertex)
EManusRet AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex)
automatically let Manus Core assign chains to the skeleton. This can fail if the skeleton is unrecognizable
EManusRet AssignTrackerToUser (char * p_TrackerId, int64 p_UserId)
assign a tracker to a user
EManusRet CheckCompatibility ()
check if this version is compatible with Manus Core.
EManusRet CheckConnection ()
check if connection is made
EManusRet ClearAllTemporarySkeletons ()
clear all temporary skeletons associated to the current session both in the sdk and core
EManusRet ClearTemporarySkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_SessionId)
clear temporary skeleton
EManusRet CompressTemporarySkeletonAndGetSize (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_SessionId, uint32_t & p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes)
signal Manus Core to compress temporary skeleton
EManusRet ConnectToHost (FString p_Host)
connect to a host
EManusRet CreateSkeletonSetup (const SkeletonSetupInfo & p_Skeleton, uint32_t & p_SkeletonSetupIndex)
create skeleton at SDK lvl and get the index associated to it.
bool DoesSkeletonHaveHaptics (int64 p_SkeletonId, bool p_Left)
given a skeleton id, check if the matching glove has haptics
EManusRet FindRemoteHosts (TArray< FString > & p_Hosts)
find all remote hosts available
EManusRet GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData (unsigned char * p_TemporarySkeletonData, uint32_t p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes)
get the compressed temporary skeleton data
EManusRet GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId (uint32_t p_GloveId, GloveLandscapeData & p_GloveData)
get all the meta data of a glove using glove id
EManusRet GetDataForSkeleton (int64 SkeletonId, FManusMetaSkeleton & DataForMayoSkeleton)
get the data for a skeleton (every transform and node id you need to animate it)
EManusRet GetDataForTracker (uint32 UserId, EManusHandType HandTypeOfTracker, FManusTracker & DataForTracker)
get data for a specific tracker
EManusRet GetErgonomicsDataForGlove (FManusErgonomicsData & p_Data, uint32_t p_GloveId)
get ergonomics data for a glove.
EManusRet GetGestureLandscapeData (GestureLandscapeData * p_LandscapeDataArray, uint32_t p_ArraySize)
based on the manus landscape, a number of gestures have been defined. with this function you can retrieve the data about those defined gestures.
void GetGestureProbabilities (std::vector< ClientGestures > & p_ClientGestures)
unreal client can use this to get gesture probabilities. may contain nothing, requires an empty vector as input.
EManusRet GetGestureStreamData (uint32_t p_GestureStreamDataIndex, uint32_t p_StartDataIndex, GestureProbabilities * p_GestureProbabilitiesCollection)
get specific gesture probabilities found after the callback
void GetGestures (std::vector< GestureLandscapeData > & p_ClientGestures)
gets all current defined gestures. can be empty when just connecting. but once filled is not expected to change even rarely.
uint32_t GetGloveIdForSkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonId, bool p_Left)
given a skeleton id get the matching glove id (in case of bodies use p_left to determine which side)
EManusRet GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId (int32 UserId, EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove, int64 & p_GloveId)
get glove id of user using user id and handtype
EManusRet GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserIndex (int32 UserIndex, EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove, int64 & p_GloveId)
get glove id of user using user index and hand type.
bool GetGloveRotationForSkeletonNode (int64 p_SkeletonId, int p_NodeId, ManusQuaternion & p_Rotation)
get the rotation of a node from a glove for a given skeleton
EManusRet GetHapticDongleIds (TArray< int64 > & HapticDongleIds)
get all the haptic dongle id's (p2 haptic dongles have the same id as their non haptic side)
EManusRet GetIdsOfAvailableGloves (TArray< int64 > & IdsOfAvailableGloves)
get ids of all available gloves
EManusRet GetIdsOfUsers (TArray< int64 > & IdsOfAvailableUsers)
get ids of all current users.
void GetLastModifiedSkeletonIndex (uint32_t & p_Index)
get the last modified skeleton index for this session.
EManusRet GetNumberOfAvailableGloves (int32 & NumberOfAvailableGloves)
get number of available gloves
EManusRet GetNumberOfAvailableUsers (int32 & NumberOfUsers)
get number of available users
EManusRet GetNumberOfHapticDongles (int32 & NumberOfHapticDongles)
get count of all the haptic dongles
EManusRet GetSessionId (uint32_t & p_SessionId)
get current session id
EManusRet GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, SkeletonSetupArraySizes & p_SkeletonInfo)
get current temporary skeleton nodes and chain sizes.
EManusRet GetSkeletonSetupChains (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, ChainSetup * p_SDK)
get the chains of the skeleton
EManusRet GetSkeletonSetupInfo (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, SkeletonSetupInfo * p_SDK)
gets the skeleton setup info based on the index
EManusRet GetSkeletonSetupNodes (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, NodeSetup * p_SDK)
get the nodes of the skeleton
EManusRet GetTemporarySkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_SessionId)
get temporary skeleton from core
EManusRet GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_SessionId, unsigned char * p_TemporarySkeletonData, uint32_t p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes)
get the temporary skeleton from a compressed file
EManusRet GetTrackerIds (TArray< FString > & p_TrackerIds)
get all the tracker id's
EManusRet Initialize ()
initialize SDK DLL
bool IsGesturePastTreshold (int64 p_GestureId, float p_Treshold, int64 p_GloveId)
check if a gesture is past a treshold for detection
EManusRet IsInitialized ()
check if already initialized
EManusRet LoadSkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, uint32_t & p_SkeletonId)
load the skeleton into Manus Core
EManusRet OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, const ChainSetup & p_Chain)
overwrite existing chain in temporary skeleton
EManusRet OverwriteNodeToSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, const NodeSetup & p_Node)
overwrite existing node in temporary skeleton
EManusRet OverwriteSkeletonSetup (uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex, const SkeletonSetupInfo & p_Skeleton)
overwrite an existing SkeletonSetup at a given index.
EManusRet SaveTemporarySkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint32_t p_SessionId, bool p_IsSkeletonModified)
send temporary skeleton to Manus Core
EManusRet ShutDown ()
shutdown SDK DLL
EManusRet UnloadSkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonId)
remove skeleton from Manus Core
EManusRet VibrateFingers (int64 p_DongleId, EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove, TArray< float > p_Powers)
vibrate fingers for dongle based on dongle id and hand type.
EManusRet VibrateFingersForSkeleton (int64 p_SkeletonId, EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove, TArray< float > p_Powers)
vibrate fingers for specific skeleton

Public Static Functions Documentation

function AddChainToSkeletonSetup

add chain to temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AddChainToSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    const ChainSetup & p_Chain


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_Chain


returncode for success state

function AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_NodeID,
    uint32_t * p_MeshSetupIndex

function AddNodeToSkeletonSetup

add node to temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AddNodeToSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    const NodeSetup & p_Node


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_Node


returncode for success state

function AddTriangleToMeshSetup

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AddTriangleToMeshSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_MeshSetupIndex,
    Triangle p_Triangle

function AddVertexToMeshSetup

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AddVertexToMeshSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_MeshSetupIndex,
    Vertex p_Vertex

function AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup

automatically let Manus Core assign chains to the skeleton. This can fail if the skeleton is unrecognizable

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex


  • p_SkeletonIndex


returncode for success state

function AssignTrackerToUser

assign a tracker to a user

static EManusRet CoreSdk::AssignTrackerToUser (
    char * p_TrackerId,
    int64 p_UserId


  • p_TrackerId
  • p_UserId


returncode for success state

function CheckCompatibility

check if this version is compatible with Manus Core.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::CheckCompatibility () 


returncode for success state

function CheckConnection

check if connection is made

static EManusRet CoreSdk::CheckConnection () 


returncode for success state

function ClearAllTemporarySkeletons

clear all temporary skeletons associated to the current session both in the sdk and core

static EManusRet CoreSdk::ClearAllTemporarySkeletons () 


returncode for success state

function ClearTemporarySkeleton

clear temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::ClearTemporarySkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_SessionId


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SessionId


returncode for success state

function CompressTemporarySkeletonAndGetSize

signal Manus Core to compress temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::CompressTemporarySkeletonAndGetSize (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_SessionId,
    uint32_t & p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SessionId
  • p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


returncode for success state

function ConnectToHost

connect to a host

static EManusRet CoreSdk::ConnectToHost (
    FString p_Host


  • p_Host address to connect to


returncode for success state

function CreateSkeletonSetup

create skeleton at SDK lvl and get the index associated to it.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::CreateSkeletonSetup (
    const SkeletonSetupInfo & p_Skeleton,
    uint32_t & p_SkeletonSetupIndex


  • p_Skeleton
  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex


returncode for success state

function DoesSkeletonHaveHaptics

given a skeleton id, check if the matching glove has haptics

static bool CoreSdk::DoesSkeletonHaveHaptics (
    int64 p_SkeletonId,
    bool p_Left


  • p_SkeletonId
  • p_Left


function FindRemoteHosts

find all remote hosts available

static EManusRet CoreSdk::FindRemoteHosts (
    TArray< FString > & p_Hosts


  • p_Hosts list that will be filled with found hosts


returncode for success state

function GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData

get the compressed temporary skeleton data

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData (
    unsigned char * p_TemporarySkeletonData,
    uint32_t p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


  • p_TemporarySkeletonData
  • p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


returncode for success state

function GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId

get all the meta data of a glove using glove id

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId (
    uint32_t p_GloveId,
    GloveLandscapeData & p_GloveData


  • p_GloveId
  • p_GloveData


returncode for success state

function GetDataForSkeleton

get the data for a skeleton (every transform and node id you need to animate it)

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetDataForSkeleton (
    int64 SkeletonId,
    FManusMetaSkeleton & DataForMayoSkeleton


  • SkeletonId the id of the skeleton data we want
  • DataForMayoSkeleton the pre-allocated data structure into which the skeleton data will be copied


returncode for success state

function GetDataForTracker

get data for a specific tracker

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetDataForTracker (
    uint32 UserId,
    EManusHandType HandTypeOfTracker,
    FManusTracker & DataForTracker


  • UserId
  • HandTypeOfTracker
  • DataForTracker


returncode for success state

function GetErgonomicsDataForGlove

get ergonomics data for a glove.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetErgonomicsDataForGlove (
    FManusErgonomicsData & p_Data,
    uint32_t p_GloveId


  • p_Data
  • p_GloveId


returncode for success state

function GetGestureLandscapeData

based on the manus landscape, a number of gestures have been defined. with this function you can retrieve the data about those defined gestures.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetGestureLandscapeData (
    GestureLandscapeData * p_LandscapeDataArray,
    uint32_t p_ArraySize


  • p_LandscapeDataArray array must be prescaled to the correct size before making this call/
  • p_ArraySize size must be known before hand and is gotten via the landscape callback.


function GetGestureProbabilities

unreal client can use this to get gesture probabilities. may contain nothing, requires an empty vector as input.

static void CoreSdk::GetGestureProbabilities (
    std::vector< ClientGestures > & p_ClientGestures


  • p_ClientGestures

function GetGestureStreamData

get specific gesture probabilities found after the callback

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetGestureStreamData (
    uint32_t p_GestureStreamDataIndex,
    uint32_t p_StartDataIndex,
    GestureProbabilities * p_GestureProbabilitiesCollection


  • p_GestureStreamDataIndex
  • p_StartDataIndex
  • p_GestureProbabilitiesCollection


function GetGestures

static void CoreSdk::GetGestures (
    std::vector< GestureLandscapeData > & p_ClientGestures

function GetGloveIdForSkeleton

given a skeleton id get the matching glove id (in case of bodies use p_left to determine which side)

static uint32_t CoreSdk::GetGloveIdForSkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonId,
    bool p_Left


  • p_SkeletonId
  • p_Left


function GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId

get glove id of user using user id and handtype

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId (
    int32 UserId,
    EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove,
    int64 & p_GloveId


  • UserId
  • p_HandTypeOfGlove
  • p_GloveId


returncode for success state

function GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserIndex

get glove id of user using user index and hand type.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserIndex (
    int32 UserIndex,
    EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove,
    int64 & p_GloveId


  • UserIndex
  • p_HandTypeOfGlove
  • p_GloveId


returncode for success state

function GetGloveRotationForSkeletonNode

get the rotation of a node from a glove for a given skeleton

static bool CoreSdk::GetGloveRotationForSkeletonNode (
    int64 p_SkeletonId,
    int p_NodeId,
    ManusQuaternion & p_Rotation


  • p_SkeletonId
  • p_NodeId
  • p_Rotation if node found this will contain the rotation


true if node was found

function GetHapticDongleIds

get all the haptic dongle id's (p2 haptic dongles have the same id as their non haptic side)

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetHapticDongleIds (
    TArray< int64 > & HapticDongleIds


  • HapticDongleIds


returncode for success state

function GetIdsOfAvailableGloves

get ids of all available gloves

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetIdsOfAvailableGloves (
    TArray< int64 > & IdsOfAvailableGloves


  • IdsOfAvailableGloves


returncode for success state

function GetIdsOfUsers

get ids of all current users.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetIdsOfUsers (
    TArray< int64 > & IdsOfAvailableUsers


  • IdsOfAvailableUsers


returncode for success state

function GetLastModifiedSkeletonIndex

get the last modified skeleton index for this session.

static void CoreSdk::GetLastModifiedSkeletonIndex (
    uint32_t & p_Index


  • p_Index


returncode for success state

function GetNumberOfAvailableGloves

get number of available gloves

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetNumberOfAvailableGloves (
    int32 & NumberOfAvailableGloves


  • NumberOfAvailableGloves


returncode for success state

function GetNumberOfAvailableUsers

get number of available users

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetNumberOfAvailableUsers (
    int32 & NumberOfUsers


  • NumberOfUsers


returncode for success state

function GetNumberOfHapticDongles

get count of all the haptic dongles

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetNumberOfHapticDongles (
    int32 & NumberOfHapticDongles


  • NumberOfHapticDongles


returncode for success state

function GetSessionId

get current session id

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetSessionId (
    uint32_t & p_SessionId


  • p_SessionId


returncode for success state

function GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes

get current temporary skeleton nodes and chain sizes.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    SkeletonSetupArraySizes & p_SkeletonInfo


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SkeletonInfo


returncode for success state

function GetSkeletonSetupChains

get the chains of the skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetSkeletonSetupChains (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    ChainSetup * p_SDK


  • p_SkeletonIndex
  • p_SDK


returncode for success state

function GetSkeletonSetupInfo

gets the skeleton setup info based on the index

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetSkeletonSetupInfo (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    SkeletonSetupInfo * p_SDK


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SDK locally allocated instance of SkeletonSetupInfo of which the pointer is passed along.


function GetSkeletonSetupNodes

get the nodes of the skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetSkeletonSetupNodes (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    NodeSetup * p_SDK


  • p_SkeletonIndex
  • p_SDK


returncode for success state

function GetTemporarySkeleton

get temporary skeleton from core

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetTemporarySkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_SessionId


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SessionId


returncode for success state

function GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData

get the temporary skeleton from a compressed file

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_SessionId,
    unsigned char * p_TemporarySkeletonData,
    uint32_t p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SessionId
  • p_TemporarySkeletonData
  • p_TemporarySkeletonLengthInBytes


returncode for success state

function GetTrackerIds

get all the tracker id's

static EManusRet CoreSdk::GetTrackerIds (
    TArray< FString > & p_TrackerIds


  • p_TrackerIds


returncode for success state

function Initialize

initialize SDK DLL

static EManusRet CoreSdk::Initialize () 


returncode for success state

function IsGesturePastTreshold

check if a gesture is past a treshold for detection

static bool CoreSdk::IsGesturePastTreshold (
    int64 p_GestureId,
    float p_Treshold,
    int64 p_GloveId


  • p_GestureId
  • p_Treshold range from 0.0 - 1.0
  • p_GloveId

function IsInitialized

check if already initialized

static EManusRet CoreSdk::IsInitialized () 


returncode for success state

function LoadSkeleton

load the skeleton into Manus Core

static EManusRet CoreSdk::LoadSkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    uint32_t & p_SkeletonId


  • p_SkeletonIndex
  • p_SkeletonId


returncode for success state

function OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup

overwrite existing chain in temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    const ChainSetup & p_Chain


  • p_SkeletonIndex
  • p_Chain


returncode for success state

function OverwriteNodeToSkeletonSetup

overwrite existing node in temporary skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::OverwriteNodeToSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    const NodeSetup & p_Node


returncode for success state

function OverwriteSkeletonSetup

overwrite an existing SkeletonSetup at a given index.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::OverwriteSkeletonSetup (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonIndex,
    const SkeletonSetupInfo & p_Skeleton


returncode for success state

function SaveTemporarySkeleton

send temporary skeleton to Manus Core

static EManusRet CoreSdk::SaveTemporarySkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint32_t p_SessionId,
    bool p_IsSkeletonModified


  • p_SkeletonSetupIndex
  • p_SessionId
  • p_IsSkeletonModified


returncode for success state

function ShutDown

shutdown SDK DLL

static EManusRet CoreSdk::ShutDown () 


returncode for success state

function UnloadSkeleton

remove skeleton from Manus Core

static EManusRet CoreSdk::UnloadSkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonId


  • p_SkeletonId


returncode for success state

function VibrateFingers

vibrate fingers for dongle based on dongle id and hand type.

static EManusRet CoreSdk::VibrateFingers (
    int64 p_DongleId,
    EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove,
    TArray< float > p_Powers


  • p_DongleId
  • p_HandTypeOfGlove
  • p_Powers set the strenght of haptics per finger. (range from 0 (off) to 1(max) )


returncode for success state

function VibrateFingersForSkeleton

vibrate fingers for specific skeleton

static EManusRet CoreSdk::VibrateFingersForSkeleton (
    int64 p_SkeletonId,
    EManusHandType p_HandTypeOfGlove,
    TArray< float > p_Powers


  • p_SkeletonId
  • p_HandTypeOfGlove
  • p_Powers set the strenght of haptics per finger. (range from 0 (off) to 1(max) )


returncode for success state

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/CoreSdk.h