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Class ClientSkeletonCollection

ClassList > ClientSkeletonCollection

An animation update will contain updates for multiple skeletons which need to be temporarily stored and moved between threads.

  • #include <ManusClientSkeleton.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::vector< ClientSkeleton > skeletons
a list of skeletons

Public Functions

Type Name
ClientSkeletonCollection ()
empty constructor
ClientSkeletonCollection (const ClientSkeletonCollection & p_Original)
copy constructor
void CopyFrom (const ClientSkeletonCollection & p_Original)
copy skeleton collection over 'this' skeletons list. it will destroy old instances of client skeletons.
bool CopySkeleton (uint32_t p_SkeletonId, ClientSkeleton * p_Data)
copy individual skeleton indicated with p_SkeletonId from the list of skeletons into the p_Data instance of a skeleton.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable skeletons

std::vector<ClientSkeleton> ClientSkeletonCollection::skeletons;

Public Functions Documentation

function ClientSkeletonCollection [1/2]

ClientSkeletonCollection::ClientSkeletonCollection () 

function ClientSkeletonCollection [2/2]

copy constructor

ClientSkeletonCollection::ClientSkeletonCollection (
    const ClientSkeletonCollection & p_Original


  • p_Original

function CopyFrom

copy skeleton collection over 'this' skeletons list. it will destroy old instances of client skeletons.

void ClientSkeletonCollection::CopyFrom (
    const ClientSkeletonCollection & p_Original


  • p_Original

function CopySkeleton

copy individual skeleton indicated with p_SkeletonId from the list of skeletons into the p_Data instance of a skeleton.

bool ClientSkeletonCollection::CopySkeleton (
    uint32_t p_SkeletonId,
    ClientSkeleton * p_Data


  • p_SkeletonId id of the skeleton we want to copy.
  • p_Data pre-allocated instance of a ClientSkeleton to put the data into.


true upon success.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusClientSkeleton.h