Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- class AManusReplicator AManusReplicator class is used to replicate the Manus data sent through Live Link for each Manus Live Link User (one Manus Live Link User being associated with one Live Link subject).
- struct ClientGestures
- class ClientSkeleton This support class helps with converting and storing the skeleton data from Manus Core animations before they get converted to UManusSkeleton .
- class ClientSkeletonCollection An animation update will contain updates for multiple skeletons which need to be temporarily stored and moved between threads.
- class CoreSdk Manages all function pointers for the (wrapped) CoreSDK. Used by the blueprint library. Use the blueprint library instead of this whenever possible. or expand blueprintlibrary to call this if needed.
- struct CoreFunctionPointers
- struct FAnimNode_ManusLiveLinkPose
- struct FGestureLandscapeData Contains information about a gesture.
- struct FManusBone All available data on a single skeleton bone.
- struct FManusChainSettingToe The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettings The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsArm The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsFinger The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsFoot The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsHand The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsHead The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsLeg The leet chain settings.
- struct FManusChainSettingsNeck The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsPelvis The pelvis chain settings.
- struct FManusChainSettingsShoulder The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSettingsSpine The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusChainSetup The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusErgonomicsData All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received.
- struct FManusGloveAssignment Glove assignment.
- class FManusLiveLinkSource The main module for the plugin that implements Manus glove support.
- struct FManusLiveLinkUser Manus Live Link Users are the associations of a Manus Dashboard User and a Manus Skeleton, and their data.
- struct FManusMetaSkeleton All available data on a single skeleton.
- class FManusModule The main module for the plugin that implements Manus glove support. most of these are based on the IModuleInterface from unreal. so for more details check the unreal documentation.
- struct FManusNodeSettings The basic nodesettings for a node. multiple settings can be used at the same time.
- struct FManusNodeSettingsFoot node settings for the foot.
- struct FManusNodeSettingsIK node settings for Inverse Kinematics
- struct FManusNodeSettingsLeaf Defines the node leaf settings.
- struct FManusNodeSettingsRotationOffset defines the rotation offset
- struct FManusNodeSetup The basic node from which a skeleton is built.
- struct FManusReplicatedData
- struct FManusReplicatedFrameData
- struct FManusSkeletonSetup All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received.
- struct FManusSkeletonTargetAnimationData Stores the information regarding the animation data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct FManusSkeletonTargetGloveData Stores the information regarding the glove data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct FManusSkeletonTargetUserData Stores the information regarding the user data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct FManusSkeletonTargetUserIndexData Stores the information regarding the user index data used to animate the skeleton.
- struct FManusTracker All available data on a tracker.
- struct ManusConvert
- struct ManusTools some support tools
- struct ManusTypeInitializer
- class UManusBlueprintLibrary
- class UManusComponent A Skeletal Mesh component animated by a Manus Glove.
- class UManusEditorUserSettings Editor user settings for Manus plugin.
- class UManusLiveLinkRemapAsset Manus LiveLink remapping asset.
- class UManusLiveLinkSourceFactory_Local
- class UManusLiveLinkSourceFactory_Replicated
- class UManusSettings Settings for Manus plugin.
- class UManusSkeleton This class is the bridge between the Manus Core animation data and the unreal animation it defines the nodes (bones) and chains (how bones are connected) of a skeleton and offers support functions to send them to Manus Core and retrieve them.