Namespace Lidgren::Network
Namespace List > Lidgren > Network
Type | Name |
class | CryptoRandom RNGCryptoServiceProvider based random; very slow but cryptographically safe. |
class | MWCRandom Multiply With Carry random. |
class | MersenneTwisterRandom Mersenne Twister based random. |
class | NetAESEncryption |
class | NetBitVector Fixed size vector of booleans. |
class | NetBitWriter Helper class for NetBuffer to write/read bits. |
class | NetBlockEncryptionBase Base for a non-threadsafe encryption class. |
class | NetBuffer Base class for NetIncomingMessage and NetOutgoingMessage. |
class | NetClient Specialized version of NetPeer used for a "client" connection. It does not accept any incoming connections and maintains a ServerConnection property. |
class | NetConnection Represents a connection to a remote peer. |
class | NetConnectionStatistics Statistics for a NetConnection instance. |
class | NetCryptoProviderBase |
class | NetCryptoProviderEncryption |
class | NetDESEncryption |
class | NetEncryption Interface for an encryption algorithm. |
class | NetException Exception thrown in the Lidgren Network Library. |
class | NetFragmentationInfo |
class | NetIncomingMessage Incoming message either sent from a remote peer or generated within the library. |
class | NetOutgoingMessage Outgoing message used to send data to remote peer(s) |
class | NetPeer Represents a local peer capable of holding zero, one or more connections to remote peers. |
class | NetPeerConfiguration Partly immutable after NetPeer has been initialized. |
class | NetPeerStatistics Statistics for a NetPeer instance. |
class | NetQueue <T> Thread safe (blocking) expanding queue with TryDequeue() and EnqueueFirst() |
class | NetRC2Encryption |
class | NetRandom NetRandom base class. |
class | NetRandomSeed Class for generating random seeds. |
class | NetSRP Helper methods for implementing SRP authentication. |
class | NetServer Specialized version of NetPeer used for "server" peers. |
class | NetTime Time service. |
class | NetTripleDESEncryption |
class | NetUPnP UPnP support class. |
class | NetUtility Utility methods. |
class | NetXorEncryption Example class; not very good encryption. |
class | NetXtea Methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XTEA algorithm. |
struct | SingleUIntUnion Utility struct for writing Singles. |
class | XorShiftRandom Xor Shift based random. |
Public Types
Type | Name |
enum | NetConnectionStatus Status for a NetConnection instance. |
enum byte | NetDeliveryMethod How the library deals with resends and handling of late messages. |
enum | NetIncomingMessageType The type of a NetIncomingMessage. |
enum | NetPeerStatus Status for a NetPeer instance. |
enum | NetSendResult Result of a SendMessage call. |
enum | NetUnreliableSizeBehaviour Behaviour of unreliable sends above MTU. |
enum | UPnPStatus Status of the UPnP capabilities. |
Public Types Documentation
enum NetConnectionStatus
enum Lidgren::Network::NetConnectionStatus {
enum NetDeliveryMethod
enum Lidgren::Network::NetDeliveryMethod {
Unknown = 0,
Unreliable = 1,
UnreliableSequenced = 2,
ReliableUnordered = 34,
ReliableSequenced = 35,
ReliableOrdered = 67
enum NetIncomingMessageType
enum Lidgren::Network::NetIncomingMessageType {
Error = 0,
StatusChanged = 1 << 0,
UnconnectedData = 1 << 1,
ConnectionApproval = 1 << 2,
Data = 1 << 3,
Receipt = 1 << 4,
DiscoveryRequest = 1 << 5,
DiscoveryResponse = 1 << 6,
VerboseDebugMessage = 1 << 7,
DebugMessage = 1 << 8,
WarningMessage = 1 << 9,
ErrorMessage = 1 << 10,
NatIntroductionSuccess = 1 << 11,
ConnectionLatencyUpdated = 1 << 12
enum NetPeerStatus
enum Lidgren::Network::NetPeerStatus {
NotRunning = 0,
Starting = 1,
Running = 2,
ShutdownRequested = 3
enum NetSendResult
enum NetUnreliableSizeBehaviour
enum Lidgren::Network::NetUnreliableSizeBehaviour {
IgnoreMTU = 0,
NormalFragmentation = 1,
DropAboveMTU = 2
enum UPnPStatus
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/Encryption/NetAESEncryption.cs