Class Manus::Trackers::Tracker
ClassList > Manus > Trackers > Tracker
Tracker information.
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
string | deviceID The unique ID of the tracker Its recommended to get this ID from the hardware, so it's unique and doesn't change __ |
uint | deviceIndex The tracking system device index, this isn't always used. |
bool | isHMD Is true when its a VR headset. |
Vector3 | position The tracker's position. |
Quaternion | rotation The tracker's rotation. |
CoreSDK.TrackerType | type The type that this tracker is. |
int | typeIndex What index does this tracker belong to, usually it's 0. When multiple trackers of the same type are connected this number increases depending on when it connected. |
uint | userId What user does this tracker belong to. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
Tracker () Instantiates the tracker class with 'invalid' values. |
Tracker (CoreSDK.TrackerData p_TrackerData) Instantiates the tracker class with data coming from SDK. |
Tracker (uint p_User, CoreSDK.TrackerType p_Type) Instantiates the tracker class with a user index and type. |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable deviceID
variable deviceIndex
variable isHMD
variable position
variable rotation
variable type
variable typeIndex
variable userId
Public Functions Documentation
function Tracker [1/3]
function Tracker [2/3]
Instantiates the tracker class with data coming from SDK.
function Tracker [3/3]
Instantiates the tracker class with a user index and type.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Trackers/Tracker.cs