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Class Manus::Trackers::TrackedObject

ClassList > Manus > Trackers > TrackedObject

This component allows an object to be moved according to a tracker position and orientation.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour

Public Attributes

Type Name
bool autoToggle = = true
Sets active to false when tracker does not exist.
Tracker tracker
CoreSDK.TrackerType type
long userId

Public Functions

Type Name
void ApplyTrackerData (CoreSDK.TrackerData p_TrackerData, bool p_HasData)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable autoToggle

bool Manus.Trackers.TrackedObject.autoToggle;

variable tracker

Tracker Manus.Trackers.TrackedObject.tracker;

variable type

CoreSDK.TrackerType Manus.Trackers.TrackedObject.type;

variable userId

long Manus.Trackers.TrackedObject.userId;

Public Functions Documentation

function ApplyTrackerData

inline void Manus::Trackers::TrackedObject::ApplyTrackerData (
    CoreSDK.TrackerData p_TrackerData,
    bool p_HasData

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Trackers/TrackedObject.cs