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Class Manus::Skeletons::MeshSetup

ClassList > Manus > Skeletons > MeshSetup

Collider setup for animation collisions.

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint nodeId
List< CoreSDK.Triangle > triangles
List< CoreSDK.Vertex > vertices

Public Functions

Type Name
void Add (MeshSetup p_OtherSetup)
MeshSetup ()
MeshSetup (uint p_NodeId)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable nodeId

uint Manus.Skeletons.MeshSetup.nodeId;

variable triangles

List<CoreSDK.Triangle> Manus.Skeletons.MeshSetup.triangles;

variable vertices

List<CoreSDK.Vertex> Manus.Skeletons.MeshSetup.vertices;

Public Functions Documentation

function Add

inline void Manus::Skeletons::MeshSetup::Add (
    MeshSetup p_OtherSetup

function MeshSetup [1/2]

inline Manus::Skeletons::MeshSetup::MeshSetup () 

function MeshSetup [2/2]

inline Manus::Skeletons::MeshSetup::MeshSetup (
    uint p_NodeId

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Skeletons/MeshSetup.cs