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Class Manus::Skeletons::Chain

ClassList > Manus > Skeletons > Chain

Skeleton chains for animation.

Public Attributes

Type Name
CoreSDK.ChainType appliedDataType
uint dataIndex = = 0
CoreSDK.Side dataSide
uint id
string name
List< uint > nodeIds = = new List<uint>()
CoreSDK.ChainSettings settings = = new CoreSDK.ChainSettings().Default()
CoreSDK.ChainType type

Public Functions

Type Name
Chain ()
Chain (CoreSDK.ChainType p_Type, CoreSDK.Side p_DataSide, List< uint > p_NodeIds, CoreSDK.ChainSettings p_Settings, uint p_DataIndex=0, uint p_ID=0)
Basic constructor for chains. Applied data type set to chain type can be set after construction.
void UpdateName ()
Update name of the chain for Manus Core and inspector.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable appliedDataType

CoreSDK.ChainType Manus.Skeletons.Chain.appliedDataType;

variable dataIndex

uint Manus.Skeletons.Chain.dataIndex;

variable dataSide

CoreSDK.Side Manus.Skeletons.Chain.dataSide;

variable id


variable name


variable nodeIds

List<uint> Manus.Skeletons.Chain.nodeIds;

variable settings

CoreSDK.ChainSettings Manus.Skeletons.Chain.settings;

variable type

CoreSDK.ChainType Manus.Skeletons.Chain.type;

Public Functions Documentation

function Chain [1/2]

inline Manus::Skeletons::Chain::Chain () 

function Chain [2/2]

Basic constructor for chains. Applied data type set to chain type can be set after construction.

inline Manus::Skeletons::Chain::Chain (
    CoreSDK.ChainType p_Type,
    CoreSDK.Side p_DataSide,
    List< uint > p_NodeIds,
    CoreSDK.ChainSettings p_Settings,
    uint p_DataIndex=0,
    uint p_ID=0


  • p_Type Type of chain
  • p_DataSide Side of the data
  • p_NodeIds IDs of the nodes in the chain
  • p_Settings Settings of the chain
  • p_DataIndex Data index of the chain
  • p_ID ID of the chain

function UpdateName

inline void Manus::Skeletons::Chain::UpdateName () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Skeletons/Chain.cs