Class Manus::Networking::Server
ClassList > Manus > Networking > Server
The basic Server Implementation. This class should be inherited from in order to make additions such as specific message listening. This can be done through the RegisterMessage function. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage.
Inherits the following classes: Manus::Networking::Peer
Inherited by the following classes: Manus::Networking::SimpleServer
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
ClientConnectedFunc | onClientConnected |
ClientDisconnectedFunc | onClientDisconnected |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
delegate void | ClientConnectedFunc (long _PlayerNetID) |
delegate void | ClientDisconnectedFunc (long _PlayerNetID) |
override NetObject | CreateObject (NetObject p_NetObj, Vector3 p_Position, Quaternion p_Rotation) Call this function when an object needs to be created. |
override void | DestroyObject (NetObject p_NetObj) Call this function when an object needs to be destroyed. |
override void | HandleIncomingMessages () Handles the incoming messages, Data messages are passed on to the registered ReceiveMessageFunc functions. |
override void | ReleaseControlOfObject (NetObject p_NetObj) This function is the same as taking control of the object for the server. |
override void | SendMessage (ushort p_Type, LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Call this function to send custom messages to the server. |
Server (NetworkManager p_Man, string p_AppID, int p_Port) Initializes the Server with the basic message types and port connection. |
override void | Shutdown () Shuts the server down. |
override void | Start () Starts the server and initializes and takes control of all objects. |
override void | TakeControlOfObject (NetObject p_NetObj) Call this function when the server wants to take control of an object. |
override void | Update (float p_DT) Update function, updates the object changes made on objects owned by the server. |
Public Functions inherited from Manus::Networking::Peer
Type | Name |
NetObject | CreateObject (NetObject p_NetObj, UnityEngine.Vector3 p_Position, UnityEngine.Quaternion p_Rotation) This function must be implemented to allow objects to be created. |
void | DestroyObject (NetObject p_NetObj) This function must be implemented to allow objects to be destroyed. |
long | GetID () Gets the ID of this peer. |
NetObject | GetNetObject (long p_NetID) Get the NetObject with a given NetID. |
List< NetObject > | GetNetObjects () Returns all the NetObjects. |
List< NetObject > | GetNetObjectsControlledByPlayer (long p_PlayerNetID) Returns all the NetObjects that a given player controls. |
void | HandleIncomingMessages () This function must be implemented to handle the Incoming Messages. |
void | RegisterMessage (Message.Type p_ID, ReceiveMessageFunc p_Msg) Register a message to listen for. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage. |
void | RegisterMessage (ushort p_ID, ReceiveMessageFunc p_Msg) Register a message to listen for. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage. |
void | ReleaseControlOfObject (NetObject p_NetObj) This function must be implemented to allow objects to be released by others. |
void | SendMessage (Message.Type p_Type, LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Call this function to send messages. |
void | SendMessage (ushort p_Type, LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Call this function to send custom messages to the server. |
void | SetNetObjectManager (NetObjectManager p_Manager) Sets the NetObjectManager for managing the NetObjects. |
void | Shutdown () This function must be implemented to shut the Peer down. |
void | Start () This function must be implemented to start the Peer. |
void | TakeControlOfObject (NetObject p_NetObj) This function must be implemented to allow objects to be controlled by others. |
void | UnregisterMessage (Message.Type p_ID) Stop listening for a certain message. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage. |
void | UnregisterMessage (ushort p_ID) Stop listening for a certain message. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage. |
void | Update (float p_DT) Update function, updates whatever is desired on this Peer. |
Protected Attributes inherited from Manus::Networking::Peer
Type | Name |
long | m_ID = = 0 The ID assigned to this Peer by itself or the peer who controls ID assignment. |
NetworkManager | m_Manager = = null The NetworkManager that this peer has been created by. |
Dictionary< ushort, ReceiveMessageFunc > | m_Messages = = new Dictionary<ushort, ReceiveMessageFunc>() |
NetObjectManager | m_NetObjectManager The NetObjectManager that this peer uses to manage its objects. |
Protected Functions
Type | Name |
virtual void | OnRequestServerInfo (LidNet.NetOutgoingMessage p_Msg) Function called when the server receives a discovery message from a client, they want information about the server. The client side should have the opposite in OnReceiveDiscoveryMessage to receive the data correctly. See the SimpleServer.cs for a sample implementation. |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable onClientConnected
variable onClientDisconnected
Public Functions Documentation
function ClientConnectedFunc
function ClientDisconnectedFunc
function CreateObject
Call this function when an object needs to be created.
inline override NetObject Manus::Networking::Server::CreateObject (
NetObject p_NetObj,
Vector3 p_Position,
Quaternion p_Rotation
The prefab of the NetObject to create. (Must be registered as a Networked Prefab!)p_Position
The initial position of the spawned object.p_Rotation
The initial rotation of the spawned object.
The created NetObject.
function DestroyObject
Call this function when an object needs to be destroyed.
The NetObject to destroy.
function HandleIncomingMessages
function ReleaseControlOfObject
This function is the same as taking control of the object for the server.
The NetObject to take control of
function SendMessage
Call this function to send custom messages to the server.
inline override void Manus::Networking::Server::SendMessage (
ushort p_Type,
LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg
The Message Typep_Msg
The Message
function Server
Initializes the Server with the basic message types and port connection.
The Network Managerp_AppID
The AppID, this must be unique and is used for matchmakingp_Port
Port the server should listen on
function Shutdown
function Start
function TakeControlOfObject
Call this function when the server wants to take control of an object.
The NetObject to take control of
function Update
Update function, updates the object changes made on objects owned by the server.
(Delta Time) Time passed since last Update Call
Protected Functions Documentation
function OnRequestServerInfo
Function called when the server receives a discovery message from a client, they want information about the server. The client side should have the opposite in OnReceiveDiscoveryMessage to receive the data correctly. See the SimpleServer.cs for a sample implementation.
inline virtual void Manus::Networking::Server::OnRequestServerInfo (
LidNet.NetOutgoingMessage p_Msg
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Server.cs