Class Manus::Networking::NetObject
ClassList > Manus > Networking > NetObject
This is the Networked Object behaviour, it contains the most basic required information on a Networked Object. The NetObject has information on Ownership and Ownership changes. It keeps track of all the Syncables and helps manage data changes and gathering.
Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour
Public Attributes
Type | Name |
bool | destroyOnControllerDisconnected = = false |
long | m_ControllerID = = 0 |
long | m_NetID = = long.MinValue |
int | m_PrefabID = = int.MinValue |
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent | onGainOwnership |
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent | onLoseOwnership |
Public Properties
Type | Name |
property bool | isOwnedByMe Does this instance own this NetObject. |
property List< Sync.BaseSync > | syncables Get this objects syncables. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
long | GetControllerID () Get this object's controller ID. |
Sync.BaseSync | GetSyncable (int p_Idx) Get a syncable for a given index. |
int | GetSyncableIndex (Sync.BaseSync p_Syncable) Get a sync's Index. |
bool | Initialize (long p_ID, int p_PrefabID=int.MinValue, bool p_AutoDisable=true) Function called when initializing the object. This function should only be called by the Network Manager. |
bool | IsDirty () Has the data changed since last Write? |
void | ReceiveAllData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Receives and applies all the data in the Net Buffer. Assumes all the data passed in exists as Syncable. |
void | ReceiveData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Receives and applies all the data from specific Syncables the Net Buffer. |
bool | SetControllerID (long p_ControllerID, long p_MyID) Sets the NetObject's ID, returns true if MyID owns this object. |
void | WriteAllData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Writes all the data to the Net Buffer for sending. |
void | WriteData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Write the dirty data to a Net Buffer for sending. Automatically sets the data to clean! |
Public Attributes Documentation
variable destroyOnControllerDisconnected
variable m_ControllerID
variable m_NetID
variable m_PrefabID
variable onGainOwnership
variable onLoseOwnership
Public Properties Documentation
property isOwnedByMe
property syncables
Get this objects syncables.
A list of syncables
Public Functions Documentation
function GetControllerID
Get this object's controller ID.
Controller ID
function GetSyncable
Get a syncable for a given index.
Syncable, NULL when not found
function GetSyncableIndex
Get a sync's Index.
function Initialize
Function called when initializing the object. This function should only be called by the Network Manager.
inline bool Manus::Networking::NetObject::Initialize (
long p_ID,
int p_PrefabID=int.MinValue,
bool p_AutoDisable=true
Object IDp_PrefabID
Prefab IDp_AutoDisable
Does this object automatically disable itself?
function IsDirty
Has the data changed since last Write?
function ReceiveAllData
Receives and applies all the data in the Net Buffer. Assumes all the data passed in exists as Syncable.
function ReceiveData
Receives and applies all the data from specific Syncables the Net Buffer.
function SetControllerID
Sets the NetObject's ID, returns true if MyID owns this object.
True if I own this object
function WriteAllData
Writes all the data to the Net Buffer for sending.
function WriteData
Write the dirty data to a Net Buffer for sending. Automatically sets the data to clean!
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/NetObject.cs