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Class Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics

ClassList > Manus > Haptics > HandHaptics

This is the class which needs to be on every hand in order for all the other hand related components to function correctly. In order for the haptics to function each of the fingers on the hand will need a FingerHaptics class with the correct finger type set. These are generated via the skeleton if not present as long as haptics are enabled on the skeleton. The FingerHaptics will generate haptic values for this class to give to the hand.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour

Public Functions

Type Name
int GetNumberOfFingers ()
Returns the number of fingers for which we have haptics information set up.
void SetHapticsStrengthOverride (int p_FingerIndex, float p_Strength)
Sets the override haptics strength for a particular finger Override values will be used in place of physically determined collider values unless the override value is -1.
void SetupFingerHaptics ()
Function for setting up the finger haptics.
void SetupHand (CoreSDK.Side p_HandSide, bool p_HapticsEnabled)
Function for setting up hands used by skeleton.
void UpdateHapticsEnabled (bool p_HapticsEnabled)
Update the boolean associated to the haptics enabled based on the input from the user in the GUI.

Public Functions Documentation

function GetNumberOfFingers

inline int Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics::GetNumberOfFingers () 

function SetHapticsStrengthOverride

Sets the override haptics strength for a particular finger Override values will be used in place of physically determined collider values unless the override value is -1.

inline void Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics::SetHapticsStrengthOverride (
    int p_FingerIndex,
    float p_Strength


  • p_FingerIndex index of the finger to set haptics strength for
  • p_Strength Haptic strength to set, [0,1] or -1 for no override

function SetupFingerHaptics

inline void Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics::SetupFingerHaptics () 

function SetupHand

Function for setting up hands used by skeleton.

inline void Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics::SetupHand (
    CoreSDK.Side p_HandSide,
    bool p_HapticsEnabled


  • p_HandSide Side of the hand
  • p_HapticsEnabled Whether haptics is enabled

function UpdateHapticsEnabled

Update the boolean associated to the haptics enabled based on the input from the user in the GUI.

inline void Manus::Haptics::HandHaptics::UpdateHapticsEnabled (
    bool p_HapticsEnabled


  • p_HapticsEnabled New haptics state

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Haptics/HandHaptics.cs