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Class Manus::CoreSDK

ClassList > Manus > CoreSDK


Type Name
struct BoxColliderSetup
Stores all the settings of a collider of type box.
struct CapsuleColliderSetup
Stores all the settings of a collider of type capsule.
struct ChainSettings
Stores all chain settings.
struct ChainSettingsArm
Stores all the settings of a chain of type arm.
struct ChainSettingsFinger
Stores all the settings of a chain of type finger.
struct ChainSettingsFoot
Stores all the settings of a chain of type foot.
struct ChainSettingsHand
Stores all the settings of a chain of type hand.
struct ChainSettingsHead
Stores all the settings of a chain of type head.
struct ChainSettingsLeg
Stores all the settings of a chain of type leg.
struct ChainSettingsNeck
Stores all the settings of a chain of type neck.
struct ChainSettingsPelvis
Stores all the settings of a chain of type pelvis.
struct ChainSettingsShoulder
Stores all the settings of a chain of type shoulder.
struct ChainSettingsSpine
Stores all the settings of a chain of type spine.
struct ChainSettingsToe
Stores all the settings of a chain of type toe.
struct ChainSetup
Stores the chain setup information.
struct ColliderSetup
Stores the collider setup information.
struct Color
Color containing red, green, blue and alpha.
struct CoordinateSystemDirection
Stores the information regarding the coordinate system used by the client, defined by each axis direction.
struct CoordinateSystemVUH
Stores the information regarding the coordinate system used by the client, defined as VUH (view, up, handedness).
struct DeviceLandscape
Stores all the information related to the devices present in the landscape.
struct DongleLandscapeData
Stores all the received dongle data.
struct ErgonomicsData
Stores the received ergonomics data.
struct ErgonomicsStream
Stores the information sent by the ergonomics stream.
struct ExtraTrackerOffset
Stores possible extra offsets to the trackers.
struct FirmwareVersion
struct GestureLandscapeData
Contains information about a gesture.
struct GestureProbabilities
struct GestureProbability
struct GestureStream
struct GestureStreamInfo
struct GloveCalibrationArgs
struct GloveCalibrationStepArgs
struct GloveCalibrationStepData
struct GloveLandscapeData
Stores all the received glove data.
struct IMUCalibrationInfo
Information regarding IMU sensors used for calibration.
struct Landscape
Stores the landscape data.
struct LicenseInfo
Stores the license information.
struct ManusHost
struct ManusQuaternion
A quaternion, used for rotations.
struct ManusTimestamp
A compressed timestamp.
struct ManusTimestampInfo
A Timestamp.
struct ManusTransform
Transform containing position, rotation and scaling.
struct ManusVec2
A 2D vector, used for translations.
struct ManusVec3
A 3D vector, used for translations.
struct ManusVersion
Stores a single version string.
struct Measurement
Stores informations regarding the lengths of different parts of the body.
struct NetDeviceLandscapeData
Contains information about a net devices.
struct NetDevicesLandscape
Contains information about a single net device.
struct NodeInfo
struct NodeSettings
Stores all the node settings.
struct NodeSettingsFoot
Stores the settings for a node of type foot, heightFromGround is used to set the height of the 3d model ankle from ground.
struct NodeSettingsIK
Stores the inverse kinematics settings of a node, the ikAim is used to control the IK solve, 1 is default, -1 is inversed.
struct NodeSettingsLeaf
Stores the settings of a node of type leaf, the direction vector is defined with respect to the previous node in the chain.
struct NodeSettingsRotationOffset
Stores the rotation offset of a node, this is used internally for building the skeleton.
struct NodeSetup
struct RawSkeleton
struct RawSkeletonInfo
Stores the information regarding the skeletons coming from the estimation system in core.
struct RawSkeletonStream
struct SettingsLandscape
Stores the landscape settings.
struct Skeleton
struct SkeletonInfo
Stores the information regarding the skeletons that have been added to Manus Core.
struct SkeletonLandscape
Stores all the information related to the skeletons present in the landscape.
struct SkeletonLandscapeData
Stores all the received skeleton data.
struct SkeletonNode
struct SkeletonSettings
Stores all the possible skeleton settings.
struct SkeletonSetupArraySizes
Stores the amount of nodes and chains in the skeleton setup.
struct SkeletonSetupInfo
Stores the skeleton setup information.
struct SkeletonStream
struct SkeletonStreamInfo
Stores the information sent by the skeleton stream.
struct SkeletonTargetAnimationData
Stores the information regarding the animation data used to animate the skeleton.
struct SkeletonTargetGloveData
Stores the information regarding the glove data used to animate the skeleton.
struct SkeletonTargetUserData
Stores the information regarding the user data used to animate the skeleton.
struct SkeletonTargetUserIndexData
Stores the information regarding the user index data used to animate the skeleton.
struct SphereColliderSetup
Stores all the settings of a collider of type sphere.
struct SystemMessage
Stores the data associated to System messages received from Core.
struct TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions
Stores the temporary skeleton available for all sessions connected to Core.
struct TemporarySkeletonCountForSession
Stores the temporary skeletons available for a specific session.
struct TemporarySkeletonInfo
Stores the temporary skeleton information.
struct TemporarySkeletonSessionsData
struct TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession
Stores the temporary skeletons available for a specific session.
struct TimeLandscape
struct TimecodeInterface
struct TrackerData
Stores all the tracker data that can be sent or received.
struct TrackerId
Stores the name of a tracker.
struct TrackerLandscape
Stores all the information related to the trackers present in the landscape.
struct TrackerLandscapeData
Stores all the received tracker data.
struct TrackerOffset
Stores the local offsets to the trackers.
struct TrackerStream
struct TrackerStreamInfo
Stores the information sent by the tracker stream.
struct Triangle
Stores the triangle information.
struct UserLandscape
Stores all the information related to the users present in the landscape.
struct UserLandscapeData
Stores all the received user data.
struct UserProfileLandscapeData
Stores all the received user profile data.
struct Version
Used to describe hardware, firmware or ManusCore version.
struct Vertex
Stores the vertex information.
struct Weight
Stores the vertex weight information.

Public Types

Type Name
enum AxisDirection
Describes the direction of the coordinate system axis in 3d space.
enum AxisPolarity
Describes the polarity of the coordinate system axis.
enum AxisView
enum ChainType
Describes the possible chain types used when setting up the skeleton.
enum ColliderType
Describes the possible collider types.
enum CollisionType
Describes the possible collider types.
enum DeviceClassType
Describes the different types of device classes.
enum DeviceFamilyType
Describes the different types of Manus devices.
enum DevicePairedState
Describes the paired state of the device.
enum ErgonomicsDataType
Describes the possible types for the ergonomics data.
enum ExtraTrackerOffsetType
Describes the different types of extra tracker offsets.
enum FingerJointType
enum HandMotion
Describes which sensor data the hand motion is based on.
enum LicenseType
Describes the possible Manus license types.
enum LogSeverity
Used to tell what severity the log is.
enum MeasurementCategory
Describes the different types of body measurement categories used for the polygon calibration.
enum MeasurementType
The different types of body measurements used for the polygon calibration.
enum MeasurementUnit
Describes the different types of body measurement units.
enum NodeSettingsFlag
Describes the settings that can be applied to a node, it is defined as a flag so that more than one setting can be set.
enum NodeType
Describes the possible nodes types used when setting up the skeleton.
enum ProfileType
Describes the different types of profile used during the calibration.
enum SDKReturnCode
The return values that can be given by SDK wrapper functions.
enum SessionType
enum SetGloveCalibrationReturnCode
enum Side
Describes the possible chain side.
enum SkeletonTargetType
Describes the possible data that can be used for the skeleton animation.
enum SkeletonType
Describes the different skeleton types.
enum SystemMessageType
Describes the possible types for system messages received from core.
enum TimecodeFPS
The possible FPS rates.
enum TrackerOffsetType
Describes the different types of tracker offsets.
enum TrackerSystemType
Describes the different types of tracker systems.
enum TrackerType
Describes the different types of trackers that can be used.
enum TrackingQuality
Describes the tracking quality.
enum UpdateStatusEnum
Describes the different possibilities for the update status.

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
List< int > listOfFunctions

Public Functions

Type Name
delegate void ErgonomicsStreamCallback (ErgonomicsStream p_ErgonomicsData)
delegate void ErgonomicsStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_ErgonomicsDataPtr)
delegate void GestureStreamCallback (GestureStream p_GestureStream)
delegate void GestureStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_GestureStreamPtr)
delegate void LandscapeStreamCallback (Landscape p_LandscapeData)
delegate void LandscapeStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_LandscapeDataPtr)
delegate void OnConnectedToCore (ManusHost p_Host)
delegate void OnConnectedToCorePtr (IntPtr p_HostPtr)
delegate void OnDisconnectFromCore (ManusHost p_Host)
delegate void OnDisconnectFromCorePtr (IntPtr p_HostPtr)
delegate void RawSkeletonStreamCallback (RawSkeletonStream p_SkeletonStream)
delegate void RawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr)
delegate void SkeletonStreamCallback (SkeletonStream p_SkeletonStream)
delegate void SkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr)
delegate void SystemStreamCallback (SystemMessage p_SystemData)
delegate void SystemStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_SystemDataPtr)
delegate void TrackerStreamCallback (TrackerStream p_TrackerStream)
delegate void TrackerStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_TrackerStreamPtr)

Public Static Functions

Type Name
SDKReturnCode AddChainToSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, ChainSetup p_Chain)
SDKReturnCode AddColliderToSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, ColliderSetup p_Collider)
SDKReturnCode AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_NodeId, out uint p_MeshSetupIndex)
SDKReturnCode AddNodeToSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, NodeSetup p_Node)
SDKReturnCode AddTriangleToMeshSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_MeshSetupIndex, Triangle p_Triangle)
SDKReturnCode AddVertexToMeshSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_MeshSetupIndex, Vertex p_Vertex)
SDKReturnCode AllocateChains (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex)
SDKReturnCode AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex)
SDKReturnCode ClearAllTemporarySkeletons ()
SDKReturnCode ConnectGRPC ()
SDKReturnCode ConnectToHost (ManusHost p_Host)
SDKReturnCode CreateSkeletonSetup (ref SkeletonSetupInfo p_Skeleton, out uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex)
SDKReturnCode DoesSkeletonGloveSupportHaptics (uint p_SkeletonID, Side p_Side, out bool p_Haptics)
SDKReturnCode GetAvailableHostsFound (out ManusHost[] p_Hosts, uint p_NumberOfHostsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_SkeletonId, out byte[] p_TemporarySkeletonData)
SDKReturnCode GetDataForDongle (uint p_DongleId, out DongleLandscapeData p_DongleData)
SDKReturnCode GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId (uint p_GloveId, out GloveLandscapeData p_GloveData)
SDKReturnCode GetDataForTracker_UsingIdAndType (uint p_UserID, TrackerType p_TrackerType, out TrackerData p_TrackerData)
SDKReturnCode GetDataForTracker_UsingTrackerId (TrackerId p_TrackerId, out TrackerData p_TrackerData)
SDKReturnCode GetDongleIds (out uint[] p_DongleIds, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetGestureLandscapeData (uint p_ArraySize, out GestureLandscapeData[] p_GestureLandscapeData)
SDKReturnCode GetGloveCalibration (uint p_GloveID, out byte[] p_CalibrationBytes)
SDKReturnCode GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId (uint p_UserId, Side p_HandType, out uint p_GloveId)
SDKReturnCode GetGlovesForDongle (uint p_DongleId, out uint p_LeftGloveId, out uint p_RightGloveId)
SDKReturnCode GetHapticsDongleIds (out uint[] p_HapticDongleIds, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIdsOfAvailableGloves (out uint[] p_IdsOfAvailableGloves, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIdsOfAvailableTrackers (out TrackerId[] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserId (out TrackerId[] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers, uint p_UserId, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex (out TrackerId[] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers, uint p_UserIndex, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIdsOfAvailableUsers (out uint[] p_IdsOfAvailablePolygonUsers, uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray)
SDKReturnCode GetIsConnectedToCore (out bool p_ConnectedToCore)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableGloves (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableGloves)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableHostsFound (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableHostsFound)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableTrackers (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserId (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers, uint p_UserId)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers, uint p_UserIndex)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfAvailableUsers (out uint p_NumberOfAvailableUsers)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfDongles (out uint p_NumberOfDongles)
SDKReturnCode GetNumberOfHapticsDongles (out uint p_NumberOfHapticsDongles)
SDKReturnCode GetRawSkeletonData (uint p_SkeletonIndex, out SkeletonNode[] p_Nodes, uint p_NodeCount)
SDKReturnCode GetRawSkeletonHandMotion (out HandMotion p_HandMotion)
SDKReturnCode GetRawSkeletonInfo (uint p_SkeletonIndex, out RawSkeletonInfo p_SkeletonInfo)
SDKReturnCode GetRawSkeletonNodeCount (uint p_GloveId, out uint p_NodeCount)
SDKReturnCode GetRawSkeletonNodeInfo (uint p_GloveId, out NodeInfo[] p_NodeInfo)
SDKReturnCode GetSessionId (out uint p_SessionId)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonData (uint p_SkeletonIndex, out SkeletonNode[] p_Nodes, uint p_NodeCount)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonInfo (uint p_SkeletonIndex, out SkeletonInfo p_SkeletonInfo)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out SkeletonSetupArraySizes p_SkeletonInfo)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonSetupChains (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out ChainSetup[] p_ChainSetup)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonSetupColliders (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out ColliderSetup[] p_ColliderSetup)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonSetupInfo (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out SkeletonSetupInfo p_SkeletonSetupInfo)
SDKReturnCode GetSkeletonSetupNodes (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out NodeSetup[] p_NodeSetup)
SDKReturnCode GetTemporarySkeleton (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_SessionId)
SDKReturnCode GetTemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions (ref TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions p_TemporarySkeletonCountForSessions)
SDKReturnCode GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_SessionId, byte[] p_TemporarySkeletonData)
SDKReturnCode GetTemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession (uint p_SessionId, ref TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession p_TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession)
SDKReturnCode GetTimestampInfo (ManusTimestamp p_Timestamp, out ManusTimestampInfo p_Info)
SDKReturnCode GetVersionsAndCheckCompatibility (out ManusVersion p_SdkVersion, out ManusVersion p_CoreVersion, out bool p_AreVersionsCompatible)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationFinish (GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args, out bool p_Result)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationGetNumberOfSteps (GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args, out uint p_NumberOfSteps)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationGetStepData (GloveCalibrationStepArgs p_Args, out GloveCalibrationStepData p_StepData)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationStart (GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args, out bool p_Result)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationStartStep (GloveCalibrationStepArgs p_Args, out bool p_Result)
SDKReturnCode GloveCalibrationStop (GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args, out bool p_Result)
SDKReturnCode Initialize (SessionType p_SessionType, bool p_Remote)
SDKReturnCode LoadSkeleton (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, out uint p_SkeletonId)
SDKReturnCode LookForHosts (uint p_WaitSeconds=1, bool p_LoopbackOnly=false)
SDKReturnCode OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, ChainSetup p_Chain)
SDKReturnCode OverwriteSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, ref SkeletonSetupInfo p_Skeleton)
SDKReturnCode PairGlove (uint p_GloveId, out bool p_Success)
SDKReturnCode PrepareSkeletonSetup (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForErgonomicsStream (ErgonomicsStreamCallback p_OnErgonomics)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForGestureStream (GestureStreamCallback p_Callback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForLandscapeStream (LandscapeStreamCallback p_LandscapeCallback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForOnConnectedToCore (OnConnectedToCore p_OnConnectedToCoreCallback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForOnDisconnectedFromCore (OnDisconnectFromCore p_OnDisconnectedFromCoreCallback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForRawSkeletonStream (RawSkeletonStreamCallback p_Callback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForSkeletonStream (SkeletonStreamCallback p_Callback)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForSystemStream (SystemStreamCallback p_OnSystem)
SDKReturnCode RegisterCallbackForTrackerStream (TrackerStreamCallback p_Callback)
SDKReturnCode SaveTemporarySkeleton (uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex, uint p_SessionId, bool p_IsSkeletonModified)
SDKReturnCode SendDataForTrackers (ref TrackerData[] p_TrackerData, uint p_NumberOfTrackers)
SDKReturnCode SetGloveCalibration (uint p_GloveID, byte[] p_CalibrationBytes, out SetGloveCalibrationReturnCode p_Response)
SDKReturnCode SetRawSkeletonHandMotion (HandMotion p_HandMotion)
SDKReturnCode SetTimestampInfo (out ManusTimestamp p_Timestamp, ManusTimestampInfo p_Info)
SDKReturnCode SetTrackerOffset (uint p_UserId, ref TrackerOffset p_TrackerOffset)
SDKReturnCode ShutDown ()
SDKReturnCode UnloadSkeleton (uint p_SkeletonId)
SDKReturnCode UnpairGlove (uint p_GloveId, out bool p_Success)
SDKReturnCode VibrateFingers (uint p_DongleId, Side p_HandType, float[] p_Powers)
SDKReturnCode VibrateFingersForGlove (uint p_GloveID, float[] p_Powers)
SDKReturnCode VibrateFingersForSkeleton (uint p_SkeletonId, Side p_HandType, float[] p_Powers)
SDKReturnCode VibrateWristOfGlove (uint p_GloveId, float p_UnitStrength, ushort p_DurationInMilliseconds)
SDKReturnCode WasDllBuiltInDebugConfiguration (out bool p_BuiltInDebug)

Protected Functions

Type Name
delegate void InternalGestureStreamCallback (GestureStreamInfo p_GestureStream)
delegate void InternalGestureStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_GestureStreamPtr)
delegate void InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallback (SkeletonStreamInfo p_SkeletonStream)
delegate void InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr)
delegate void InternalSkeletonStreamCallback (SkeletonStreamInfo p_SkeletonStream)
delegate void InternalSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr)
delegate void InternalTrackerStreamCallback (InternalTrackerStreamInfo p_TrackerStream)
delegate void InternalTrackerStreamCallbackPtr (IntPtr p_TrackerStreamPtr)

Public Types Documentation

enum AxisDirection

enum Manus::CoreSDK::AxisDirection {
    Invalid = 0,
    Backward = 1,
    Left = 2,
    Down = 3,
    Up = 4,
    Right = 5,
    Forward = 6

enum AxisPolarity

enum Manus::CoreSDK::AxisPolarity {
    Invalid = 0,
    NegativeZ = 1,
    NegativeY = 2,
    NegativeX = 3,
    PositiveX = 4,
    PositiveY = 5,
    PositiveZ = 6

enum AxisView

enum Manus::CoreSDK::AxisView {
    Invalid = 0,
    ZFromViewer = 1,
    YFromViewer = 2,
    XFromViewer = 3,
    XToViewer = 4,
    YToViewer = 5,
    ZToViewer = 6

Describes the view of the coordinate system axis.

Consider yourself sitting in front of your computer screen.

From Viewer means it goes into the screen, so away from you.

To Viewer means the axis goes from the screen towards you.

enum ChainType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::ChainType {
    Invalid = 0,
    Arm = 1,
    Leg = 2,
    Neck = 3,
    Spine = 4,
    FingerThumb = 5,
    FingerIndex = 6,
    FingerMiddle = 7,
    FingerRing = 8,
    FingerPinky = 9,
    Pelvis = 10,
    Head = 11,
    Shoulder = 12,
    Hand = 13,
    Foot = 14,
    Toe = 15

enum ColliderType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::ColliderType {
    Invalid = 0,
    Sphere = 1,
    Capsule = 2,
    Box = 3

enum CollisionType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::CollisionType {
    None = 0,
    Discrete = 1,
    Continuous = 2

enum DeviceClassType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::DeviceClassType {
    Unknown = 0,
    Dongle = 1,
    Glove = 2,
    Glongle = 3

enum DeviceFamilyType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::DeviceFamilyType {
    Unknown = 0,
    Prime1 = 1,
    Prime2 = 2,
    PrimeX = 3,
    Metaglove = 4,
    Prime3 = 5,
    Virtual = 6,
    MetaglovePro = 7

enum DevicePairedState

enum Manus::CoreSDK::DevicePairedState {
    Unknown = 0,
    Paired = 1,
    Unpaired = 2,
    Pairing = 3

enum ErgonomicsDataType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::ErgonomicsDataType {
    LeftFingerThumbMCPSpread = 0,
    LeftFingerThumbMCPStretch = 1,
    LeftFingerThumbPIPStretch = 2,
    LeftFingerThumbDIPStretch = 3,
    LeftFingerIndexMCPSpread = 4,
    LeftFingerIndexMCPStretch = 5,
    LeftFingerIndexPIPStretch = 6,
    LeftFingerIndexDIPStretch = 7,
    LeftFingerMiddleMCPSpread = 8,
    LeftFingerMiddleMCPStretch = 9,
    LeftFingerMiddlePIPStretch = 10,
    LeftFingerMiddleDIPStretch = 11,
    LeftFingerRingMCPSpread = 12,
    LeftFingerRingMCPStretch = 13,
    LeftFingerRingPIPStretch = 14,
    LeftFingerRingDIPStretch = 15,
    LeftFingerPinkyMCPSpread = 16,
    LeftFingerPinkyMCPStretch = 17,
    LeftFingerPinkyPIPStretch = 18,
    LeftFingerPinkyDIPStretch = 19,
    RightFingerThumbMCPSpread = 20,
    RightFingerThumbMCPStretch = 21,
    RightFingerThumbPIPStretch = 22,
    RightFingerThumbDIPStretch = 23,
    RightFingerIndexMCPSpread = 24,
    RightFingerIndexMCPStretch = 25,
    RightFingerIndexPIPStretch = 26,
    RightFingerIndexDIPStretch = 27,
    RightFingerMiddleMCPSpread = 28,
    RightFingerMiddleMCPStretch = 29,
    RightFingerMiddlePIPStretch = 30,
    RightFingerMiddleDIPStretch = 31,
    RightFingerRingMCPSpread = 32,
    RightFingerRingMCPStretch = 33,
    RightFingerRingPIPStretch = 34,
    RightFingerRingDIPStretch = 35,
    RightFingerPinkyMCPSpread = 36,
    RightFingerPinkyMCPStretch = 37,
    RightFingerPinkyPIPStretch = 38,
    RightFingerPinkyDIPStretch = 39,
    MAX_SIZE = 40

enum ExtraTrackerOffsetType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::ExtraTrackerOffsetType {
    Unknown = 0,
    HeadForward = 1,
    HipForward = 2,
    HipHeight = 3,
    MAX_SIZE = 4

enum FingerJointType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::FingerJointType {
    Invalid = 0,
    Metacarpal = 1,
    Proximal = 2,
    Intermediate = 3,
    Distal = 4,
    Tip = 5

enum HandMotion

enum Manus::CoreSDK::HandMotion {
    None = 0,
    IMU = 1,
    Tracker = 2,
    TrackerRotationOnly = 3,
    Auto = 4

enum LicenseType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::LicenseType {
    Undefined = 0,
    Polygon = 1,
    CoreXO = 2,
    CorePro = 3,
    CoreXOPro = 4,
    CoreX = 5,
    CoreO = 6,
    CoreQ = 7,
    CoreXPro = 8,
    CoreOPro = 9,
    CoreQPro = 10,
    CoreXOQPro = 11,
    CoreXR = 12,
    CorePrimeThree = 13,
    Feature = 14

enum LogSeverity

enum Manus::CoreSDK::LogSeverity {
    Debug = 0,
    Info = 1,
    Warn = 2,
    Error = 3

enum MeasurementCategory

enum Manus::CoreSDK::MeasurementCategory {
    Misc = 0,
    Generic = 1,
    Arms = 2,
    Legs = 3,
    Body = 4

enum MeasurementType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::MeasurementType {
    Unknown = 0,
    PlayerHeight = 1,
    SpineLength = 2,
    NeckLength = 3,
    UpperArmLength = 4,
    LowerArmLength = 5,
    ArmLength = 6,
    ArmSpan = 7,
    UpperLegLength = 8,
    LowerLegLength = 9,
    LegLength = 10,
    HandLength = 11,
    FootLength = 12,
    HipWidth = 13,
    ShoulderWidth = 14,
    ShoulderHeight = 15,
    HeadLength = 16,
    Thickness = 17,
    ArmRatio = 18,
    LegRatio = 19,
    MAX_SIZE = 20

enum MeasurementUnit

enum Manus::CoreSDK::MeasurementUnit {
    Meters = 0,
    Percentage = 1

enum NodeSettingsFlag

enum Manus::CoreSDK::NodeSettingsFlag {
    None = 0,
    IK = 1,
    Foot = 2,
    RotationOffset = 4,
    Leaf = 8

enum NodeType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::NodeType {
    Invalid = 0,
    Joint = 1,
    Mesh = 2,
    Leaf = 3,
    Collider = 4

enum ProfileType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::ProfileType {
    Hands = 0,
    FullBody = 1,
    MAX_SIZE = 2

enum SDKReturnCode

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SDKReturnCode {
    Success = 0,
    Error = 1,
    InvalidArgument = 2,
    ArgumentSizeMismatch = 3,
    UnsupportedStringSizeEncountered = 4,
    SdkNotAvailable = 5,
    HostFinderNotAvailable = 6,
    DataNotAvailable = 7,
    MemoryError = 8,
    InternalError = 9,
    FunctionCalledAtWrongTime = 10,
    NotConnected = 11,
    ConnectionTimeout = 12,
    InvalidID = 13,
    NullPointer = 14,
    InvalidSequence = 15,
    NoCoordinateSystemSet = 16,
    SdkIsTerminating = 17,
    StubNullPointer = 18,
    SkeletonNotLoaded = 19,
    FunctionNotAvailable = 20,
    MAX_SIZE = 21

enum SessionType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SessionType {
    Unknown = 0,
    UnityPlugin = 1,
    UnrealPlugin = 2,
    CoreSDK = 3,
    Xsens = 4,
    Optitrack = 5,
    MotionBuilder = 6,
    VRED = 7,
    OpenXR = 8,
    Qualisys = 9,
    Vicon = 10,
    Nokov = 11,
    IcIdo = 12,
    Siemens = 13

Used to tell what client is using the wrapper.

This makes the session easier to identify in the landscape.

enum SetGloveCalibrationReturnCode

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SetGloveCalibrationReturnCode {
    Error = 0,
    Success = 1,
    VersionError = 2,
    WrongSideError = 3,
    GloveNotFoundError = 4,
    UserServiceError = 5,
    DeserializationError = 6,
    MAX_SIZE = 7

enum Side

enum Manus::CoreSDK::Side {
    Invalid = 0,
    Left = 1,
    Right = 2,
    Center = 3

enum SkeletonTargetType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SkeletonTargetType {
    Invalid = 0,
    UserData = 1,
    UserIndexData = 2,
    AnimationData = 3,
    GloveData = 4

enum SkeletonType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SkeletonType {
    Invalid = 0,
    Hand = 1,
    Body = 2,
    Both = 3

enum SystemMessageType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::SystemMessageType {
    Unknown = 0,
    LibDebugReplugDongle = 1,
    LibDebugRxStall = 2,
    LibDebugTxStall = 3,
    TrackerError = 4,
    TrackerOk = 5,
    TrackerSystemOutOfDate = 6,
    GloveSanityErrorPSOCInit = 7,
    GloveSanityErrorQCBatV = 8,
    GloveSanityErrorQCLRACalib = 9,
    GloveSanityErrorQCFlexInit = 10,
    GloveSanityErrorQCIMUInit = 11,
    GloveSanityErrorQCIMUCalib = 12,
    GloveSanityErrorQCID = 13,
    GloveSanityErrorQCInterCPU = 14,
    SessionConnectionVersionMismatch = 15,
    TemporarySkeletonModified = 16,
    SessionRefusedDueToLicenseIssue = 17,
    LaunchDevTools = 18

enum TimecodeFPS

enum Manus::CoreSDK::TimecodeFPS {
    TimecodeFPS_Undefined = 0,
    TimecodeFPS_23_976 = 1,
    TimecodeFPS_24 = 2,
    TimecodeFPS_25 = 3,
    TimecodeFPS_29_97 = 4,
    TimecodeFPS_30 = 5,
    TimecodeFPS_48 = 6,
    TimecodeFPS_50 = 7,
    TimecodeFPS_59_94 = 8,
    TimecodeFPS_60 = 9,
    TimecodeFPS_29_97DF = 10,
    TimecodeFPS_59_94DF = 11

enum TrackerOffsetType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::TrackerOffsetType {
    Unknown = 0,
    HeadTrackerToHead = 1,
    HeadTrackerToTopOfHead = 2,
    LeftHandTrackerToWrist = 3,
    RightHandTrackerToWrist = 4,
    LeftFootTrackerToAnkle = 5,
    RightFootTrackerToAnkle = 6,
    HipTrackerToHip = 7,
    HipTrackerToLeftLeg = 8,
    HipTrackerToRightLeg = 9,
    LeftUpperArmTrackerToElbow = 10,
    RightUpperArmTrackerToElbow = 11,
    LeftUpperArmTrackerToShoulder = 12,
    RightUpperArmTrackerToShoulder = 13,
    MAX_SIZE = 14

enum TrackerSystemType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::TrackerSystemType {
    Unknown = 0,
    Antilatency = 1,
    ART = 2,
    OpenVR = 3,
    Optitrack = 4,
    Vicon = 5,
    OpenXR = 6

enum TrackerType

enum Manus::CoreSDK::TrackerType {
    Unknown = 0,
    Head = 1,
    Waist = 2,
    LeftHand = 3,
    RightHand = 4,
    LeftFoot = 5,
    RightFoot = 6,
    LeftUpperArm = 7,
    RightUpperArm = 8,
    LeftUpperLeg = 9,
    RightUpperLeg = 10,
    Controller = 11,
    Camera = 12,
    MAX_SIZE = 13

enum TrackingQuality

enum Manus::CoreSDK::TrackingQuality {
    Untrackable = 0,
    BadTracking = 1,
    Trackable = 2

enum UpdateStatusEnum

enum Manus::CoreSDK::UpdateStatusEnum {
    Unknown = 0,
    NoUpdateAvailable = 1,
    UpdateAvailable = 2,
    MandatoryUpdateAvailable = 3,
    Updating = 4

Public Static Attributes Documentation











































variable listOfFunctions

List<int> Manus.CoreSDK.listOfFunctions;

Public Functions Documentation

function ErgonomicsStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::ErgonomicsStreamCallback (
    ErgonomicsStream p_ErgonomicsData

function ErgonomicsStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::ErgonomicsStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_ErgonomicsDataPtr

function GestureStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::GestureStreamCallback (
    GestureStream p_GestureStream

function GestureStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::GestureStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_GestureStreamPtr

function LandscapeStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::LandscapeStreamCallback (
    Landscape p_LandscapeData

function LandscapeStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::LandscapeStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_LandscapeDataPtr

function OnConnectedToCore

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::OnConnectedToCore (
    ManusHost p_Host

function OnConnectedToCorePtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::OnConnectedToCorePtr (
    IntPtr p_HostPtr

function OnDisconnectFromCore

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::OnDisconnectFromCore (
    ManusHost p_Host

function OnDisconnectFromCorePtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::OnDisconnectFromCorePtr (
    IntPtr p_HostPtr

function RawSkeletonStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::RawSkeletonStreamCallback (
    RawSkeletonStream p_SkeletonStream

function RawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::RawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr

function SkeletonStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::SkeletonStreamCallback (
    SkeletonStream p_SkeletonStream

function SkeletonStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::SkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr

function SystemStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::SystemStreamCallback (
    SystemMessage p_SystemData

function SystemStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::SystemStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_SystemDataPtr

function TrackerStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::TrackerStreamCallback (
    TrackerStream p_TrackerStream

function TrackerStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::TrackerStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_TrackerStreamPtr

Public Static Functions Documentation

function AddChainToSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddChainToSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    ChainSetup p_Chain

function AddColliderToSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddColliderToSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    ColliderSetup p_Collider

function AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddMeshSetupToSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_NodeId,
    out uint p_MeshSetupIndex

function AddNodeToSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddNodeToSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    NodeSetup p_Node

function AddTriangleToMeshSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddTriangleToMeshSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_MeshSetupIndex,
    Triangle p_Triangle

function AddVertexToMeshSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AddVertexToMeshSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_MeshSetupIndex,
    Vertex p_Vertex

function AllocateChains

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AllocateChains (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex

function AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::AllocateChainsForSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex

function ClearAllTemporarySkeletons

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::ClearAllTemporarySkeletons () 

function ConnectGRPC

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::ConnectGRPC () 

function ConnectToHost

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::ConnectToHost (
    ManusHost p_Host

function CreateSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::CreateSkeletonSetup (
    ref SkeletonSetupInfo p_Skeleton,
    out uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex

function DoesSkeletonGloveSupportHaptics

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::DoesSkeletonGloveSupportHaptics (
    uint p_SkeletonID,
    Side p_Side,
    out bool p_Haptics

function GetAvailableHostsFound

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetAvailableHostsFound (
    out ManusHost [] p_Hosts,
    uint p_NumberOfHostsThatFitInArray

function GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetCompressedTemporarySkeletonData (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_SkeletonId,
    out byte[] p_TemporarySkeletonData

function GetDataForDongle

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetDataForDongle (
    uint p_DongleId,
    out DongleLandscapeData p_DongleData

function GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetDataForGlove_UsingGloveId (
    uint p_GloveId,
    out GloveLandscapeData p_GloveData

function GetDataForTracker_UsingIdAndType

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetDataForTracker_UsingIdAndType (
    uint p_UserID,
    TrackerType p_TrackerType,
    out TrackerData p_TrackerData

function GetDataForTracker_UsingTrackerId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetDataForTracker_UsingTrackerId (
    TrackerId p_TrackerId,
    out TrackerData p_TrackerData

function GetDongleIds

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetDongleIds (
    out uint[] p_DongleIds,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetGestureLandscapeData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetGestureLandscapeData (
    uint p_ArraySize,
    out GestureLandscapeData [] p_GestureLandscapeData

function GetGloveCalibration

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetGloveCalibration (
    uint p_GloveID,
    out byte[] p_CalibrationBytes

function GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetGloveIdOfUser_UsingUserId (
    uint p_UserId,
    Side p_HandType,
    out uint p_GloveId

function GetGlovesForDongle

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetGlovesForDongle (
    uint p_DongleId,
    out uint p_LeftGloveId,
    out uint p_RightGloveId

function GetHapticsDongleIds

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetHapticsDongleIds (
    out uint[] p_HapticDongleIds,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIdsOfAvailableGloves

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIdsOfAvailableGloves (
    out uint[] p_IdsOfAvailableGloves,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIdsOfAvailableTrackers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIdsOfAvailableTrackers (
    out TrackerId [] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserId (
    out TrackerId [] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers,
    uint p_UserId,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIdsOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex (
    out TrackerId [] p_IdsOfAvailableTrackers,
    uint p_UserIndex,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIdsOfAvailableUsers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIdsOfAvailableUsers (
    out uint[] p_IdsOfAvailablePolygonUsers,
    uint p_NumberOfIdsThatFitInArray

function GetIsConnectedToCore

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetIsConnectedToCore (
    out bool p_ConnectedToCore

function GetNumberOfAvailableGloves

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableGloves (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableGloves

function GetNumberOfAvailableHostsFound

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableHostsFound (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableHostsFound

function GetNumberOfAvailableTrackers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableTrackers (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers

function GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserId (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers,
    uint p_UserId

function GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableTrackersForUserIndex (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableTrackers,
    uint p_UserIndex

function GetNumberOfAvailableUsers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfAvailableUsers (
    out uint p_NumberOfAvailableUsers

function GetNumberOfDongles

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfDongles (
    out uint p_NumberOfDongles

function GetNumberOfHapticsDongles

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetNumberOfHapticsDongles (
    out uint p_NumberOfHapticsDongles

function GetRawSkeletonData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetRawSkeletonData (
    uint p_SkeletonIndex,
    out SkeletonNode [] p_Nodes,
    uint p_NodeCount

function GetRawSkeletonHandMotion

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetRawSkeletonHandMotion (
    out HandMotion p_HandMotion

function GetRawSkeletonInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetRawSkeletonInfo (
    uint p_SkeletonIndex,
    out RawSkeletonInfo p_SkeletonInfo

function GetRawSkeletonNodeCount

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetRawSkeletonNodeCount (
    uint p_GloveId,
    out uint p_NodeCount

function GetRawSkeletonNodeInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetRawSkeletonNodeInfo (
    uint p_GloveId,
    out NodeInfo [] p_NodeInfo

function GetSessionId

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSessionId (
    out uint p_SessionId

function GetSkeletonData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonData (
    uint p_SkeletonIndex,
    out SkeletonNode [] p_Nodes,
    uint p_NodeCount

function GetSkeletonInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonInfo (
    uint p_SkeletonIndex,
    out SkeletonInfo p_SkeletonInfo

function GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonSetupArraySizes (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out SkeletonSetupArraySizes p_SkeletonInfo

function GetSkeletonSetupChains

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonSetupChains (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out ChainSetup [] p_ChainSetup

function GetSkeletonSetupColliders

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonSetupColliders (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out ColliderSetup [] p_ColliderSetup

function GetSkeletonSetupInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonSetupInfo (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out SkeletonSetupInfo p_SkeletonSetupInfo

function GetSkeletonSetupNodes

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetSkeletonSetupNodes (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out NodeSetup [] p_NodeSetup

function GetTemporarySkeleton

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetTemporarySkeleton (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_SessionId

function GetTemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetTemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions (
    ref TemporarySkeletonCountForAllSessions p_TemporarySkeletonCountForSessions

function GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetTemporarySkeletonFromCompressedData (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_SessionId,
    byte[] p_TemporarySkeletonData

function GetTemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetTemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession (
    uint p_SessionId,
    ref TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession p_TemporarySkeletonsInfoForSession

function GetTimestampInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetTimestampInfo (
    ManusTimestamp p_Timestamp,
    out ManusTimestampInfo p_Info

function GetVersionsAndCheckCompatibility

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GetVersionsAndCheckCompatibility (
    out ManusVersion p_SdkVersion,
    out ManusVersion p_CoreVersion,
    out bool p_AreVersionsCompatible

function GloveCalibrationFinish

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationFinish (
    GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args,
    out bool p_Result

function GloveCalibrationGetNumberOfSteps

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationGetNumberOfSteps (
    GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args,
    out uint p_NumberOfSteps

function GloveCalibrationGetStepData

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationGetStepData (
    GloveCalibrationStepArgs p_Args,
    out GloveCalibrationStepData p_StepData

function GloveCalibrationStart

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationStart (
    GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args,
    out bool p_Result

function GloveCalibrationStartStep

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationStartStep (
    GloveCalibrationStepArgs p_Args,
    out bool p_Result

function GloveCalibrationStop

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::GloveCalibrationStop (
    GloveCalibrationArgs p_Args,
    out bool p_Result

function Initialize

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::Initialize (
    SessionType p_SessionType,
    bool p_Remote

function LoadSkeleton

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::LoadSkeleton (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    out uint p_SkeletonId

function LookForHosts

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::LookForHosts (
    uint p_WaitSeconds=1,
    bool p_LoopbackOnly=false

function OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::OverwriteChainToSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    ChainSetup p_Chain

function OverwriteSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::OverwriteSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    ref SkeletonSetupInfo p_Skeleton

function PairGlove

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::PairGlove (
    uint p_GloveId,
    out bool p_Success

function PrepareSkeletonSetup

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::PrepareSkeletonSetup (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex

function RegisterCallbackForErgonomicsStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForErgonomicsStream (
    ErgonomicsStreamCallback p_OnErgonomics

function RegisterCallbackForGestureStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForGestureStream (
    GestureStreamCallback p_Callback

function RegisterCallbackForLandscapeStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForLandscapeStream (
    LandscapeStreamCallback p_LandscapeCallback

function RegisterCallbackForOnConnectedToCore

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForOnConnectedToCore (
    OnConnectedToCore p_OnConnectedToCoreCallback

function RegisterCallbackForOnDisconnectedFromCore

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForOnDisconnectedFromCore (
    OnDisconnectFromCore p_OnDisconnectedFromCoreCallback

function RegisterCallbackForRawSkeletonStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForRawSkeletonStream (
    RawSkeletonStreamCallback p_Callback

function RegisterCallbackForSkeletonStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForSkeletonStream (
    SkeletonStreamCallback p_Callback

function RegisterCallbackForSystemStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForSystemStream (
    SystemStreamCallback p_OnSystem

function RegisterCallbackForTrackerStream

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::RegisterCallbackForTrackerStream (
    TrackerStreamCallback p_Callback

function SaveTemporarySkeleton

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SaveTemporarySkeleton (
    uint p_SkeletonSetupIndex,
    uint p_SessionId,
    bool p_IsSkeletonModified

function SendDataForTrackers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SendDataForTrackers (
    ref TrackerData [] p_TrackerData,
    uint p_NumberOfTrackers

function SetGloveCalibration

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SetGloveCalibration (
    uint p_GloveID,
    byte[] p_CalibrationBytes,
    out SetGloveCalibrationReturnCode p_Response

function SetRawSkeletonHandMotion

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SetRawSkeletonHandMotion (
    HandMotion p_HandMotion

function SetTimestampInfo

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SetTimestampInfo (
    out ManusTimestamp p_Timestamp,
    ManusTimestampInfo p_Info

function SetTrackerOffset

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::SetTrackerOffset (
    uint p_UserId,
    ref TrackerOffset p_TrackerOffset

function ShutDown

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::ShutDown () 

function UnloadSkeleton

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::UnloadSkeleton (
    uint p_SkeletonId

function UnpairGlove

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::UnpairGlove (
    uint p_GloveId,
    out bool p_Success

function VibrateFingers

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::VibrateFingers (
    uint p_DongleId,
    Side p_HandType,
    float[] p_Powers

function VibrateFingersForGlove

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::VibrateFingersForGlove (
    uint p_GloveID,
    float[] p_Powers

function VibrateFingersForSkeleton

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::VibrateFingersForSkeleton (
    uint p_SkeletonId,
    Side p_HandType,
    float[] p_Powers

function VibrateWristOfGlove

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::VibrateWristOfGlove (
    uint p_GloveId,
    float p_UnitStrength,
    ushort p_DurationInMilliseconds

function WasDllBuiltInDebugConfiguration

static inline SDKReturnCode Manus::CoreSDK::WasDllBuiltInDebugConfiguration (
    out bool p_BuiltInDebug

Protected Functions Documentation

function InternalGestureStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalGestureStreamCallback (
    GestureStreamInfo p_GestureStream

function InternalGestureStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalGestureStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_GestureStreamPtr

function InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallback (
    SkeletonStreamInfo p_SkeletonStream

function InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalRawSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr

function InternalSkeletonStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalSkeletonStreamCallback (
    SkeletonStreamInfo p_SkeletonStream

function InternalSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalSkeletonStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_SkeletonStreamPtr

function InternalTrackerStreamCallback

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalTrackerStreamCallback (
    InternalTrackerStreamInfo p_TrackerStream

function InternalTrackerStreamCallbackPtr

delegate void Manus::CoreSDK::InternalTrackerStreamCallbackPtr (
    IntPtr p_TrackerStreamPtr

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Core/ManusDLLImport.cs