Class Lidgren::Network::NetXtea
ClassList > Lidgren > Network > NetXtea
Methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XTEA algorithm.
Inherits the following classes: Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
Public Properties
Type | Name |
property override int | BlockSize Gets the block size for this cipher. |
Public Properties inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
See Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
Type | Name |
property int | BlockSize Block size in bytes for this cipher. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
NetXtea (NetPeer peer, byte[] key, int rounds) 16 byte key |
NetXtea (NetPeer peer, byte[] key) 16 byte key |
NetXtea (NetPeer peer, string key) String to hash for key. |
override void | SetKey (byte[] data, int offset, int length) |
Public Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
See Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
Type | Name |
override bool | Decrypt (NetIncomingMessage msg) Decrypt an incoming message encrypted with corresponding Encrypt. |
override bool | Encrypt (NetOutgoingMessage msg) Encrypt am outgoing message with this algorithm; no writing can be done to the message after encryption, or message will be corrupted. |
NetBlockEncryptionBase (NetPeer peer) NetBlockEncryptionBase constructor. |
Public Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption
See Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption
Type | Name |
bool | Decrypt (NetIncomingMessage msg) Decrypt an incoming message in place. |
bool | Encrypt (NetOutgoingMessage msg) Encrypt an outgoing message in place. |
NetEncryption (NetPeer peer) Constructor. |
void | SetKey (string str) |
void | SetKey (byte[] data, int offset, int count) |
Protected Attributes inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption
See Lidgren::Network::NetEncryption
Type | Name |
NetPeer | m_peer NetPeer. |
Protected Functions
Type | Name |
override void | DecryptBlock (byte[] source, int sourceOffset, byte[] destination) Decrypts a block of bytes. |
override void | EncryptBlock (byte[] source, int sourceOffset, byte[] destination) Encrypts a block of bytes. |
Protected Functions inherited from Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
See Lidgren::Network::NetBlockEncryptionBase
Type | Name |
void | DecryptBlock (byte[] source, int sourceOffset, byte[] destination) Decrypt a block of bytes. |
void | EncryptBlock (byte[] source, int sourceOffset, byte[] destination) Encrypt a block of bytes. |
Public Properties Documentation
property BlockSize
Public Functions Documentation
function NetXtea [1/3]
function NetXtea [2/3]
function NetXtea [3/3]
function SetKey
Protected Functions Documentation
function DecryptBlock
inline override void Lidgren::Network::NetXtea::DecryptBlock (
byte[] source,
int sourceOffset,
byte[] destination
function EncryptBlock
inline override void Lidgren::Network::NetXtea::EncryptBlock (
byte[] source,
int sourceOffset,
byte[] destination
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Lidgren.Network/Encryption/NetXteaEncryption.cs