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Full body set-up and calibration (Polygon)

MANUS Core has a full body solve, this guide delves in to how to set it up and use it.


A minimum of six trackers are required to enable the full body solve. These can be from any supported tracking system.

Tracker Type Required Description
Head Mounted on the head, can also be a tracked HMD
Left arm Mounted on the left upper arm
Left hand Mounted on the left hand or MANUS glove device
Right arm Mounted on the right upper arm
Right hand Mounted on the right hand or MANUS glove device
Hip Mounted on the front or back of the hips
Left foot Mounted on the top of the left foot
Right foot Mounted on the top of the right foot


Below's setup instructions will use MANUS Pro Trackers and the MANUS strap set as an example. Instructions will apply for other systems.

Tracking system

Make sure to you have a compatible tracking system setup and working and the required amount of trackers for full body tracking.

Strap Set

Put on a strap set compatible with SteamVR trackers.

This can be:

  • Our own strap set and Manus Pro Trackers.
  • A generic strap set with adapters for Manus Steam VR Pro Trackers.
  • A generic strap set compatible with Steam VR.

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Placing the Trackers

Secure one tracker on your head and one on your waist. One on each foot and one on each hand. If you are not wearing a VR headset you also need to place a strap and tracker on your head. For higher fidelity you can place trackers on your upper arms (facing outwards) as well.

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Assign the Trackers

In the profile settings menu for the intended user, assign the trackers to their respective bodyparts. You can use the scene view to identify which is which by color and assign them accordingly.

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In the profile settings menu the calibration process can be started by pressing the calibration button.

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Continue on and select the glove tracker combination you are using to skip the initial few steps. If skipping you will calibrate to find the ideal offset.

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The calibration exists of a set of steps. An avatar demonstrates the calibration pose/move and the step is explained textually.

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The exact amount of steps varies based on how many trackers are being used and if a known device/tracker combination is used.

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Left hand flap
Grab your left wrist and bend it up and down.
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Left hand twist
Grab your left elbow and twist your hand left to right.
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Right hand flap
Grab your right wrist and bend it up and down.
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Right hand twist
Grab your right elbow and twist your hand left to right.
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Hands together
Put your hands together and point them forward.
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Left elbow
Grab your left elbow and stretch your left hand forward.
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Left shoulder
Grab your left shoulder and stretch your left arm forward.
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Right elbow
Grab your right elbow and stretch your right arm forward.
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Right shoulder
Grab your right shoulder and stretch your right arm forward.
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Make a T by stretching your arms horizontally. Put your feet together and point them forward.
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Place your wrists on the edge of your pelvic bone.
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Left foot
Put your left foot forward and twist it on its heel.
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Right foot
Put your right foot forward and twist it on its heel.
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Place your wrists below your ears and grab the back of your head.
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Head top
Rest the palm of one of your hands on top of your head while keeping your other hand next to your body.


After calibration the results can be visually inspected inside the scene view. The body measurements are displayed inside the profile settings of the user. These can be tweaked to improve the body solve, reset values will reset the entire calibration back to its default requiring you to recalibrate.

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Next steps

Now that you have successfully setup a full body solve, what can you do with it?

  1. Steam it live to our plugins:
    • Unreal
    • Unity
    • SDK
  2. Record for full body motion capture.


When using a VR HMD as part of your full body calibration it's also possible to do the calibration in VR. Make sure to enable the Render to VR headset setting, start the calibration procedure outside of VR and transition into VR once the steps start. Here all steps can be followed along in VR.

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