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Pressing REC in the top right corner will open the control panel as well as the recording side panel for additional options.

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Control Panel

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Button type Description
Frame back Go one frame back in the timeline
Play/Pause Play at the set framerate
Record Start a new recording
Frame forward Go one frame forward in the timeline
Stop Go back to the start of the recording
Loop Toggle to continuously playback after the end of the recording is reached
Set-In point Sets the start position for playback and export.
Set-Out point Sets the end position for playback and export.
Playback framerate Sets the playback framerate
Frame counter Shows the current frame and total framecount
Main time Shows the current time during playback. Time is shown as HH:MM:SS:FFF by default. When the recording has timecode available, this will be shown as HH:MM:SS:FF
End time Indicates the total length of the recording.


The In and Out point markers can also be moved manually by holding the mouse button over it and dragging them over the timeline.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Input Action
Ctrl+R Start/Stop Recording
Space Play/Pause
Arrow-Left Previous Frame
Arrow-Right Next Frame
Ctrl + Arrow-Left Go to first frame
Ctrl + Arrow-Right Go to last frame
I Go to in-point
O Go to out-point
Ctrl + I Set in-point
Ctrl + O Set out-point
Ctrl + L Toggle loop

Side panel

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You can load previously saved mrec files. Simply click Load and select the recording you would like to open. mrec files can also be loaded by opening them directly.


To save the currently loaded recording you press Save and a file dialog will open to select where to save the file and with what name. Files will be saved as an mrec file which is a MANUS Recording file and can be loaded in MANUS Core. ‍ If you are using triggered recording, auto saving behavior is dependent on the specific trigger's implementation.


This button unloads the currently loaded recording and returns to live data. Please beware that this will discard unsaved data.


Export your current recording to either fbx or csv for use outside of MANUS Core. The current recording will be exported using the specified in and out points.

Batch export

For exporting multiple recording files at once. Pressing Batch Export will open a popup window with all Batch Export settings. There mrec files will be loaded in and exported using the settings of your choosing all at once.


This shows the name of the currently loaded recording.

Auto save recordings

When enabled this will automatically save your recordings after recording to the specified folder. When triggered recording is used the file will be saved using the name and location specified by the specific integration sending out the recording trigger. If no location or name was specified this path will be used as a fallback.

Current take name

Specifies the name of the to be recorded take. The name will automatically increment. When a recording trigger specifies the save directory and take name this will be ignored.

External timecode

This will show the status of your timecode signal. When a recording is loaded it will show the recorded timecode data. When the data is live it will show the live timecode signal.

Export Settings

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  • Filename Here you pick the name of your file.
  • Files For Batch Export only. This will list all files you have added (with the Add Files button) for batch exporting.
  • Location Specify the folder where the exported file(s) will be saved to.
  • Suffix For Batch Export only. The exported filenames will be copied from the original mrec files. These filenames will be appended with the suffix set here.
  • Export file per Select how many files are exported in the end, one for the entire scene, one per user or one per hand.



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  • Use full skeleton Will export the entire full body skeleton. When only hand data is provided the skeleton will be in a t-pose.
  • Hands When enabled will export hand data.
  • Fingers When enabled will export specific finger data.
  • Include tracker transforms Will export the locations of the trackers (when available).
  • Hand motion Specifies what drives the positioning and rotation of the hands (wrist). None will not position the wrists, IMU will use the glove rotational data but no positional data and Tracker will use the tracker's positional and rotational data to position the hand (if available). Tracker Rotation does the same but omits the positioning data.
  • Export optical markers When enabled it will ask to load a marker definition file and export virtualized marker positions. More information on marker exporting.


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You can choose different skeleton structures depending on your use case for the exported FBX file.

  1. MANUS
    • Raw Data (Unretargeted)
    • Polygon Avatar
  2. Autodesk
    • HumanIK
    • Biped
  3. Xsens
    • MVN Avatar (Mo)
  4. Unreal 4
    • Unreal Default
    • (external) Mannequin Male
    • (external) Mannequin Female
  5. Unreal 5
    • Unreal Default
    • (external) Mannequin Male (Manny)
    • (external) Mannequin Female (Quinn)
  6. Metahuman
    • Unreal Default
    • (external) Metahuman Female Short Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Short Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Short Overweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Average Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Average Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Average Overweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Tall Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Tall Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Female Tall Overweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Short Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Short Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Short Overweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Average Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Average Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Average Overweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Tall Underweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Tall Normalweight
    • (external) Metahuman Male Tall Overweight
  7. Mixamo
    • X Bot
    • Y Bot
  8. Vicon
    • Vicon Default

Use custom skeleton definition allows you to load a manual mapping from our internal bone name to a specific bone name. The resulting fbx will use the specified bone names. Below is a shortened example skeleton definition showing a mapping to Autodesk HumanIK bone names.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <item key="Reference" value="Reference" />
        <item key="Hips" value="Hips" />
        <item key="LeftUpLeg" value="LeftUpLeg" />
        <item key="LeftLeg" value="LeftLeg" />
        <item key="LeftFoot" value="LeftFoot" />
        <item key="RightUpLeg" value="RightUpLeg" />
        <item key="RightLeg" value="RightLeg" />
The full file is included with Core in the following folder:
{{MANUS Core installation directory}}\ManusCore\Manus_Dashboard\MANUS_Core_Data\StreamingAssets\SkeletonDefinitions.


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  • Framerate sets the amount of frames per second.
  • Units sets the equivalent to 1-unit in the exported file. Options are: millimetres(mm), centimetres(cm), decimetres(dm), meters(m), kilometres(km), inch or foot.
  • Items to export sets the entire scene or only the visible users.
  • Include SMPTE timecode signal embeds timecode into the exported file.
  • Include meshes sets if the exported FBX includes the meshes.
  • Use first frame bindpose overwrites the first frame of the recording to be the skeleton's bindpose.
  • Use keyframe reduction optimizes by reducing unnecessary keyframes.
  • Keyframe interpolation mode sets how keyframes are interpreted, linear or cubic.
  • Scale skeleton sets if the skeleton is scaled.
  • Export bindpose only button opens a file dialog to save the bindpose as an fbx.



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  • Hands When enabled will export hand data.
    • Fingers When enabled will export specific finger data.
  • Export hand joints
    • Positions World space (absolute) positions of the joints on the X, Y and Z axis.
    • Rotations World space (absolute) rotations of the joints on the X, Y, Z (and W) axis.
    • Velocity Positional velocity in unit / second of the wrist joint on the X, Y and Z axis.
    • Acceleration Positional acceleration in unit / second^2 of the wrist joint on the X, Y and Z axis.
    • Pinch distances Distance in units between the thumb fingertip and other fingertips.
  • Export ergonomics data
    • Joint angles Joint angle (abduction or adduction, i.e. splaying; flexion or (hyper)extension, i.e. bending) of the joint in degrees.
    • Angular velocity Angular velocity (abduction or adduction, i.e. splaying; flexion or (hyper)extension, i.e. bending) in degrees / second of the joint.
    • Angular acceleration Angular acceleration (abduction or adduction, i.e. splaying; flexion or (hyper)extension, i.e. bending) in degrees / second^2 of the joint.
  • Hand motion Specifies what drives the positioning and rotation of the hands (wrist). None will not position the wrists, IMU will use the glove rotational data but no positional data and Tracker will use the tracker's positional and rotational data to position the hand (if available). Tracker Rotation does the same but omits the positioning data.

Coordinate system

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  • Preset Select from a wide range of coordinate system presets.
  • Up axis Up Axis sets the up axis of the coordinate system.
  • View axis View Axis sets the forward axis of the coordinate system.
  • Handedness Handedness sets the handedness of the coordinate system.


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  • Framerate sets the amount of rows containing data per second.
  • Value separator sets which symbol is used for separating values.
  • Decimal point sets the decimal separator to support different language locales.
  • Units sets the equivalent to 1-unit in the exported file. Options are: millimetres(mm), centimetres(cm), decimetres(dm), meters(m), kilometres(km), inch or foot.
  • Items to export sets the entire scene or only the visible users.
  • Include SMPTE timecode signal embeds timecode into the exported file.
  • Rotation type sets the rotation system (Euler Angles or Quaternion).
  • Rotation order sets in which order rotations are saved. When reconstructing rotations, the order has to be inversed.