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Struct FManusTracker

ClassList > FManusTracker

All available data on a tracker.

  • #include <ManusBlueprintTypes.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
EManusHandType HandType
The hand type this tracker is used for.
int64 LastUpdateTime
The time it was last updated.
FString TrackerId
The ID of the Tracker.
FTransform Transform
The transform of the tracker.
int UserId
The User Index this Tracker is assigned to.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable HandType

EManusHandType FManusTracker::HandType;

variable LastUpdateTime

int64 FManusTracker::LastUpdateTime;

variable TrackerId

FString FManusTracker::TrackerId;

variable Transform

FTransform FManusTracker::Transform;

variable UserId

int FManusTracker::UserId;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusBlueprintTypes.h