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Struct FManusNodeSetup

ClassList > FManusNodeSetup

The basic node from which a skeleton is built.

  • #include <ManusBlueprintTypes.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
int64 Id = = 0
Node ID.
FString Name
Node Name (usually the bone)
int64 ParentID = = 0
Parent bone ID.
FManusNodeSettings Settings
Node Settings.
FTransform Transform
Base transform of the skeleton.
EManusNodeType Type = = EManusNodeType::Invalid
type of node in the skeleton

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Id

int64 FManusNodeSetup::Id;

variable Name

FString FManusNodeSetup::Name;

variable ParentID

int64 FManusNodeSetup::ParentID;

variable Settings

FManusNodeSettings FManusNodeSetup::Settings;

variable Transform

FTransform FManusNodeSetup::Transform;

variable Type

EManusNodeType FManusNodeSetup::Type;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusBlueprintTypes.h