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Struct FManusNodeSettings

ClassList > FManusNodeSettings

The basic nodesettings for a node. multiple settings can be used at the same time.

  • #include <ManusBlueprintTypes.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
FManusNodeSettingsFoot Foot
FManusNodeSettingsIK Ik
FManusNodeSettingsLeaf Leaf
FManusNodeSettingsRotationOffset RotationOffset
int UsedSettings = = 0
bit flag of the used node settings. can contain multiple flags.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable Foot

FManusNodeSettingsFoot FManusNodeSettings::Foot;

variable Ik

FManusNodeSettingsIK FManusNodeSettings::Ik;

variable Leaf

FManusNodeSettingsLeaf FManusNodeSettings::Leaf;

variable RotationOffset

FManusNodeSettingsRotationOffset FManusNodeSettings::RotationOffset;

variable UsedSettings

int FManusNodeSettings::UsedSettings;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusBlueprintTypes.h