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Struct FManusLiveLinkUser

ClassList > FManusLiveLinkUser

Manus Live Link Users are the associations of a Manus Dashboard User and a Manus Skeleton, and their data.

  • #include <ManusLiveLinkUser.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
FLiveLinkFrameDataStruct * LiveLinkFrame = = NULL
FLiveLinkFrameDataStruct pointer.
int ManusDashboardUserIndex = = 0
The index of the User as displayed in the Manus Dashboard (first User is index 0). __
uint64 ManusDataLastUpdateTime = = 0
Manus data last update time.
class UManusSkeleton * ManusSkeleton = = NULL
The Manus skeleton to use.
TArray< TWeakObjectPtr< UObject > > ObjectsUsingUser
The objects currently using this Manus Live Link User data.
int SkeletonsInitializationRetryCountdown = = 0
Skeletons initialization retry frames countdown.
bool bShouldUpdateLiveLinkData = = false
Whether we should update the Live Link data or not.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable LiveLinkFrame

FLiveLinkFrameDataStruct* FManusLiveLinkUser::LiveLinkFrame;

variable ManusDashboardUserIndex

int FManusLiveLinkUser::ManusDashboardUserIndex;

variable ManusDataLastUpdateTime

uint64 FManusLiveLinkUser::ManusDataLastUpdateTime;

variable ManusSkeleton

class UManusSkeleton* FManusLiveLinkUser::ManusSkeleton;

variable ObjectsUsingUser

TArray<TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> > FManusLiveLinkUser::ObjectsUsingUser;

variable SkeletonsInitializationRetryCountdown

int FManusLiveLinkUser::SkeletonsInitializationRetryCountdown;

variable bShouldUpdateLiveLinkData

bool FManusLiveLinkUser::bShouldUpdateLiveLinkData;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusLiveLinkUser.h