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Struct FManusGloveAssignment

ClassList > FManusGloveAssignment

Glove assignment.

  • #include <ManusLiveLinkSource.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
int64 GloveIds
The IDs of the Gloves assigned.

Public Functions

Type Name
FManusGloveAssignment ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable GloveIds

int64 FManusGloveAssignment::GloveIds[(int) EManusHandType::Max];

Public Functions Documentation

function FManusGloveAssignment

inline FManusGloveAssignment::FManusGloveAssignment () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusLiveLinkSource.h