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Group ManusBlueprintTypes

Modules > ManusBlueprintTypes


Type Name
struct FGestureLandscapeData
Contains information about a gesture.
struct FManusBone
All available data on a single skeleton bone.
struct FManusChainSettingToe
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettings
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsArm
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsFinger
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsFoot
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsHand
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsHead
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsLeg
The leet chain settings.
struct FManusChainSettingsNeck
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsPelvis
The pelvis chain settings.
struct FManusChainSettingsShoulder
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSettingsSpine
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusChainSetup
The basic chain from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusErgonomicsData
All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received.
struct FManusMetaSkeleton
All available data on a single skeleton.
struct FManusNodeSettings
The basic nodesettings for a node. multiple settings can be used at the same time.
struct FManusNodeSettingsFoot
node settings for the foot.
struct FManusNodeSettingsIK
node settings for Inverse Kinematics
struct FManusNodeSettingsLeaf
Defines the node leaf settings.
struct FManusNodeSettingsRotationOffset
defines the rotation offset
struct FManusNodeSetup
The basic node from which a skeleton is built.
struct FManusSkeletonSetup
All the skeleton setup that can be sent or received.
struct FManusSkeletonTargetAnimationData
Stores the information regarding the animation data used to animate the skeleton.
struct FManusSkeletonTargetGloveData
Stores the information regarding the glove data used to animate the skeleton.
struct FManusSkeletonTargetUserData
Stores the information regarding the user data used to animate the skeleton.
struct FManusSkeletonTargetUserIndexData
Stores the information regarding the user index data used to animate the skeleton.
struct FManusTracker
All available data on a tracker.

Public Types

Type Name
enum uint8 EManusChainType
type of chain in the skeleton
enum uint8 EManusFingerName
A way to identify fingers by a name and number.
enum uint8 EManusGloveType
An enum used to define the glove types.
enum uint8 EManusHandMotion
type of hand motion used
enum uint8 EManusHandType
An enum used to denote a left or a right hand.
enum uint8 EManusMotionCaptureType
Manus motion capture types.
enum uint8 EManusNodeSettingsFlag
enum used to combine flags of which nodesettings are used for handling flags correctly as uproperties see and the var UsedSettings we adjusted in this source code further below
enum uint8 EManusNodeType
type of node in the skeleton
enum uint8 EManusRet
An enum used as a return value for some Manus plugin functions. It must match the WrapperReturnCode enum in ManusSdkTypes.h.
enum uint8 EManusSide
An enum used to denote a left, right or center.
enum uint8 EManusSkeletonTargetType
enum used to define the different types of animation used for skeleton
enum uint8 EManusSkeletonType
enum used to define the different types of animation used for skeleton
enum uint8 EManusTrackingBodyPart
The parts of the body that can be tracked.
enum uint8 EManusTrackingDeviceType
The types of tracking devices that can be used.

Public Types Documentation

enum EManusChainType

enum EManusChainType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Arm"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Leg"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Neck"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Spine"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerThumb"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerIndex"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerMiddle"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerRing"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FingerPinky"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Pelvis"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Head"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Shoulder"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Hand"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Foot"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Toe")

enum EManusFingerName

enum EManusFingerName {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Thumb"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Index"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Middle"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Ring"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Pinky"),
    UMETA =(Hidden)

enum EManusGloveType

enum EManusGloveType {
    UMETA =(Hidden)

enum EManusHandMotion

enum EManusHandMotion {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "None"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "IMU"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Tracker"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Tracker_RotationOnly"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Auto")

enum EManusHandType

enum EManusHandType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Left"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Right"),
    UMETA =(Hidden)

enum EManusMotionCaptureType

enum EManusMotionCaptureType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Full Body with Polygon"),
    UMETA =(Hidden)

enum EManusNodeSettingsFlag

enum EManusNodeSettingsFlag {
    None = 0                    UMETA(DisplayName = "None"),
    IK = 1 << 0                 UMETA(DisplayName = "IK"),
    Foot = 1 << 1               UMETA(DisplayName = "Foot"),
    RotationOffset = 1 << 2     UMETA(DisplayName = "RotationOffset"),
    Leaf = 1 << 3               UMETA(DisplayName = "Leaf")

enum EManusNodeType

enum EManusNodeType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Joint"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Mesh")

enum EManusRet

enum EManusRet {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Success"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Error"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "InvalidArgument"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "ArgumentSizeMismatch"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "UnsupportedStringSizeEncountered"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "SDKNotAvailable"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "HostFinderNotAvailable"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "DataNotAvailable"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "MemoryError"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "InternalError"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "FunctionCalledAtWrongTime"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "NotConnected"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "ConnectionTimeout"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "NoHostFound")

enum EManusSide

enum EManusSide {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Left"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Right"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Center"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid")

enum EManusSkeletonTargetType

enum EManusSkeletonTargetType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "UserData"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "UserIndexData"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "AnimationData"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "GloveData")

enum EManusSkeletonType

enum EManusSkeletonType {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Invalid"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Hand"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Body"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Both")

enum EManusTrackingBodyPart

enum EManusTrackingBodyPart {
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "None"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "LeftHand"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "RightHand"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "LeftFoot"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "RightFoot"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Head"),
    UMETA =(DisplayName = "Waist")

enum EManusTrackingDeviceType

enum EManusTrackingDeviceType {