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Class UManusSettings

ClassList > UManusSettings

Settings for Manus plugin.

  • #include <ManusSettings.h>

Inherits the following classes: UObject

Public Attributes

Type Name
float DefaultReplicationOffsetTime
How far back should we read the replicated Manus data (in seconds) to cope with latency.
float ManusDashboardUserGloveAssignmentUpdateFrequency
How often to update which gloves are assigned to the each User in the Manus Dashboard.
float ReplicationOffsetTimePingExtraTime
Updated Replication Offset Time will be computed using the ping with this extra time added.
float ReplicationOffsetTimePingMultiplier
Updated Replication Offset Time will be computed using the ping multiplied by this value.
float TrackingManagerDeviceUpdateFrequency
How often the Tracking Manager (used in the "Unreal" Hand Tracking method) should check for new tracking devices, in seconds.
float TrackingSmoothing
How many seconds we should delay the tracking animation to cope with the tracking device having a lower update frequency.
bool bUpdateReplicationOffsetTimeUsingPing
Whether to update the Replication Offset Time at runtime according to the current ping.
bool bUseManusInGame
Whether Manus should be used in-game.

Public Functions

Type Name
UManusSettings ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable DefaultReplicationOffsetTime

float UManusSettings::DefaultReplicationOffsetTime;

variable ManusDashboardUserGloveAssignmentUpdateFrequency

float UManusSettings::ManusDashboardUserGloveAssignmentUpdateFrequency;

variable ReplicationOffsetTimePingExtraTime

float UManusSettings::ReplicationOffsetTimePingExtraTime;

variable ReplicationOffsetTimePingMultiplier

float UManusSettings::ReplicationOffsetTimePingMultiplier;

variable TrackingManagerDeviceUpdateFrequency

float UManusSettings::TrackingManagerDeviceUpdateFrequency;

variable TrackingSmoothing

float UManusSettings::TrackingSmoothing;

variable bUpdateReplicationOffsetTimeUsingPing

bool UManusSettings::bUpdateReplicationOffsetTimeUsingPing;

variable bUseManusInGame

bool UManusSettings::bUseManusInGame;

Public Functions Documentation

function UManusSettings

UManusSettings::UManusSettings () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusSettings.h