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Class UManusEditorUserSettings

ClassList > UManusEditorUserSettings

Editor user settings for Manus plugin.

  • #include <ManusEditorUserSettings.h>

Inherits the following classes: UObject

Public Attributes

Type Name
bool bAnimateInEditor
Whether Manus should animate the skeletons in the Editor views.
bool bIsManusActiveByDefault
Whether Manus tracking should be active by default.

Public Functions

Type Name
UManusEditorUserSettings ()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable bAnimateInEditor

bool UManusEditorUserSettings::bAnimateInEditor;

variable bIsManusActiveByDefault

bool UManusEditorUserSettings::bIsManusActiveByDefault;

Public Functions Documentation

function UManusEditorUserSettings

UManusEditorUserSettings::UManusEditorUserSettings () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusEditorUserSettings.h