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Class ClientSkeleton

ClassList > ClientSkeleton

This support class helps with converting and storing the skeleton data from Manus Core animations before they get converted to UManusSkeleton .

  • #include <ManusClientSkeleton.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
SkeletonInfo info
skeleton meta data
SkeletonNode * nodes = = nullptr
an array of the nodes (transform and ID )

Public Functions

Type Name
ClientSkeleton ()
~ClientSkeleton ()
destroys clientskeleton and also cleans the array if it is still filled

Public Attributes Documentation

variable info

SkeletonInfo ClientSkeleton::info;

variable nodes

SkeletonNode* ClientSkeleton::nodes;

Public Functions Documentation

function ClientSkeleton

inline ClientSkeleton::ClientSkeleton () 

function ~ClientSkeleton

inline ClientSkeleton::~ClientSkeleton () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/Unreal/Plugins/Manus/Source/Manus/Public/ManusClientSkeleton.h