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Struct Manus::CoreSDK::NodeSettingsLeaf

ClassList > Manus > CoreSDK > NodeSettingsLeaf

Stores the settings of a node of type leaf, the direction vector is defined with respect to the previous node in the chain.

Public Attributes

Type Name
ManusVec3 direction
float length

Public Functions

Type Name
NodeSettingsLeaf (ManusVec3 p_Direction, float p_Length)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable direction

ManusVec3 Manus.CoreSDK.NodeSettingsLeaf.direction;

variable length

float Manus.CoreSDK.NodeSettingsLeaf.length;

Public Functions Documentation

function NodeSettingsLeaf

inline Manus::CoreSDK::NodeSettingsLeaf::NodeSettingsLeaf (
    ManusVec3 p_Direction,
    float p_Length

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Core/ManusSDKTypes.cs