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Struct Manus::CoreSDK::NodeSettingsFoot

ClassList > Manus > CoreSDK > NodeSettingsFoot

Stores the settings for a node of type foot, heightFromGround is used to set the height of the 3d model ankle from ground.

Public Attributes

Type Name
float heightFromGround

Public Functions

Type Name
NodeSettingsFoot (float p_HeightFromGround)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable heightFromGround

float Manus.CoreSDK.NodeSettingsFoot.heightFromGround;

Public Functions Documentation

function NodeSettingsFoot

inline Manus::CoreSDK::NodeSettingsFoot::NodeSettingsFoot (
    float p_HeightFromGround

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Core/ManusSDKTypes.cs