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Namespace Manus::Networking::Sync

Namespace List > Manus > Networking > Sync


Type Name
class ActivenessSync
This syncs a GameObject's activeness state.
class BaseSync
This is the Base Class of the Syncs. All these functions are expected to be implemented by the Sync classes.
class ChatSync
class GrabbableObjectSync
This component syncs the necessary Hand information between the server and clients.
class HandGrabSync
This is syncs the necessary Hand information.
class SkeletonSync
This is syncs the necessary Hand information.
class TransformSync
This syncs the transform position, rotation and scale.
class WorldTransformSync
This syncs the world space transform position and rotation. It syncs the local scale.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Sync/ActivenessSync.cs