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Namespace Manus::Networking

Namespace List > Manus > Networking


Type Name
namespace Message
namespace Sync


Type Name
class Client
The basic Client Implementation. This class should be inherited from in order to make additions such as specific message listening. This can be done through the RegisterMessage function. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage.
class NetLobbyInfo
Sample Lobby Info.
class NetObject
This is the Networked Object behaviour, it contains the most basic required information on a Networked Object. The NetObject has information on Ownership and Ownership changes. It keeps track of all the Syncables and helps manage data changes and gathering.
class NetObjectManager
This Manager ensures that all NetObjects (if used correctly) have Unique IDs. The NetObjectManager should only be used via the NetworkManager, Server and Client. Using it elsewhere may cause out of sync problems.
class NetworkManager
The basic NetworkManager Implementation. There should only be one NetworkManager in a project. This class should be inherited from in order to use your own Client and Server implementation. This class handles generic functions such as Hosting, Joining, Object spawning and removing.
class Peer
This class is what the Client and Server are based upon. It contains information and functions required for basic functionality.
class Server
The basic Server Implementation. This class should be inherited from in order to make additions such as specific message listening. This can be done through the RegisterMessage function. Custom message types should start with ID's LARGER than Message.Type.CustomMessage.
class SimpleClient
A sample Client implementation which can receive details about hosted games and utilizes the SimpleInterface.
class SimpleInterface
A sample Interface which can be used to host or join a game.
class SimpleLobbyBrowser
A sample Lobby Browser to display how one might want to show lobbies.
class SimpleNetworkManager
A sample NetworkManager implementation which can be used to host or join a game with client/server specific implementations.
class SimpleServer
This is an example of a Server implementation. It has lobby information, which it sends upon request.

Public Functions

Type Name
delegate void ReceiveMessageFunc (LidNet.NetIncomingMessage _Message)

Public Functions Documentation

function ReceiveMessageFunc

delegate void Manus::Networking::ReceiveMessageFunc (
    LidNet.NetIncomingMessage _Message

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Client.cs