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Namespace Manus::Interaction

Namespace List > Manus > Interaction


Type Name
class ColliderGenerator
class CollisionArea
This class keeps track of collisions that are detected between it and other objects. These objects are allowed to be triggers IF they belong to a HandCollider.
class GestureTeleporter
class GrabbableObject
This class makes an object grabbable in the most basic of ways. It changes its position and rotation according to the hands grabbing it.
class GrabbedObject
This component is usually on an object that is currently being grabbed by one or more hands. It should not be added via the editor since the linkage between it and any interactors would be broken. It handles all the IGrabbable implementations on the object.
class HandGrab
interface IGrabbable
This interface is required for objects to be grabbable. This interface must be used in combination with a MonoBehaviour in order for it to actually function. It allows for specific behavior when an object is being grabbed or released.
interface IValue
class InteractionHand
This class is used to detect collisions with the hand. It is required on a hand in order for CollisionAreas to find a hand.
class MovableObject
This is a movable object implementation, the sliders are grabbable and movablee.
class PushButton
A simple button implementation, has two ways of being turned on or off.
class RockerSwitch
A rocker switch implementation, has an On and Off state.
class TeleportationArea
class ThrowableObject
This class makes an object throwable. It analyzes the last few positions and rotations and uses these to estimate the throwing speed when released.
class TurnableObject
This is a turnable object implementation, the valves, wheels, dials are grabbable and rotatable.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Interaction/ColliderGenerator.cs