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Namespace Manus::Haptics

Namespace List > Manus > Haptics


Type Name
class CollisionInfo
Holds information about collisions.
class FingerHaptics
This is the class which needs to be on a finger of a hand, it automatically creates Joint Haptics on children with colliders. Each of the colliders attributes to a percentage of the haptic strength. If all colliders are colliding with an object the maximum amount of haptic is triggered. For example if 3 Colliders exist on the finger, and only 2 of these are touching a collider, the haptic value will be 0.666f.
class HandHaptics
This is the class which needs to be on every hand in order for all the other hand related components to function correctly. In order for the haptics to function each of the fingers on the hand will need a FingerHaptics class with the correct finger type set. These are generated via the skeleton if not present as long as haptics are enabled on the skeleton. The FingerHaptics will generate haptic values for this class to give to the hand.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Haptics/FingerHaptics.cs