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Class Manus::Utility::ComponentUtil

ClassList > Manus > Utility > ComponentUtil

Public Static Functions

Type Name
T FindOrInstantiateComponent< T > ()
Find a component of the supplied type in the scene. If no component can be found, a gameobject will be instantiated with the component attached. This attached component will be returned.
T GetFindOrInstantiateComponent< T > (GameObject p_GameObject)
Tries to find component of the supplied type on the gameobject. If no component can be found, it will try to find or instantiate the component in the scene using the FindOrInstantiateComponent<T> method.
T GetOrAddComponent< T > (this GameObject p_GameObject)
Find a component of the supplied type attached to the supplied gameobject. If no component can be found, a gameobject will be added to the supplied gameobject. This attached component will be returned.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function FindOrInstantiateComponent< T >

static inline T Manus::Utility::ComponentUtil::FindOrInstantiateComponent< T > () 

function GetFindOrInstantiateComponent< T >

static inline T Manus::Utility::ComponentUtil::GetFindOrInstantiateComponent< T > (
    GameObject p_GameObject

function GetOrAddComponent< T >

static inline T Manus::Utility::ComponentUtil::GetOrAddComponent< T > (
    this GameObject p_GameObject

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Utility/ComponentUtil.cs