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Class Manus::Trackers::Tracker

ClassList > Manus > Trackers > Tracker

Tracker information.

Public Attributes

Type Name
string deviceID
The unique ID of the tracker Its recommended to get this ID from the hardware, so it's unique and doesn't change __
uint deviceIndex
The tracking system device index, this isn't always used.
bool isHMD
Is true when its a VR headset.
Vector3 position
The tracker's position.
Quaternion rotation
The tracker's rotation.
CoreSDK.TrackerType type
The type that this tracker is.
int typeIndex
What index does this tracker belong to, usually it's 0. When multiple trackers of the same type are connected this number increases depending on when it connected.
uint userId
What user does this tracker belong to.

Public Functions

Type Name
Tracker ()
Instantiates the tracker class with 'invalid' values.
Tracker (CoreSDK.TrackerData p_TrackerData)
Instantiates the tracker class with data coming from SDK.
Tracker (uint p_User, CoreSDK.TrackerType p_Type)
Instantiates the tracker class with a user index and type.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable deviceID

string Manus.Trackers.Tracker.deviceID;

variable deviceIndex

uint Manus.Trackers.Tracker.deviceIndex;

variable isHMD

bool Manus.Trackers.Tracker.isHMD;

variable position

Vector3 Manus.Trackers.Tracker.position;

variable rotation

Quaternion Manus.Trackers.Tracker.rotation;

variable type

CoreSDK.TrackerType Manus.Trackers.Tracker.type;

variable typeIndex

int Manus.Trackers.Tracker.typeIndex;

variable userId

uint Manus.Trackers.Tracker.userId;

Public Functions Documentation

function Tracker [1/3]

inline Manus::Trackers::Tracker::Tracker () 

function Tracker [2/3]

Instantiates the tracker class with data coming from SDK.

inline Manus::Trackers::Tracker::Tracker (
    CoreSDK.TrackerData p_TrackerData


  • p_TrackerData

function Tracker [3/3]

Instantiates the tracker class with a user index and type.

inline Manus::Trackers::Tracker::Tracker (
    uint p_User,
    CoreSDK.TrackerType p_Type


  • p_User
  • p_Type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Trackers/Tracker.cs