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Class Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData

ClassList > Manus > Skeletons > SkeletonData

Skeleton data holds all data from the skeleton.

Public Attributes

Type Name
List< Chain > chains
List< ColliderSetup > colliders
uint id
CoreSDK.ManusTimestamp lastTimestamp
List< MeshSetup > meshes
string name
List< Node > nodes
CoreSDK.SkeletonSettings settings
CoreSDK.SkeletonType type

Public Functions

Type Name
Chain GetChainWithId (uint p_Id)
Fetch specific chain with an ID.
IList< Node > GetChildNodesOfNodeWithId (uint p_Id)
Fetch children of node ID.
uint GetNewChainID ()
Get new chain ID.
int GetNodeDepth (uint p_Id)
Go through and count depth of the node.
Node GetNodeWithId (uint p_Id)
Fetch specific node with an ID.
Node GetNodeWithName (string p_Name)
Fetch a specific with a name.
Node GetNodeWithUnityTransform (Transform p_Transform)
Fetch a specific with a specific Unity Transform.
SkeletonData ()
List< Node > ToNodeList (List< uint > p_NodeIds)
Fetch nodes from a node ID list.
CoreSDK.SkeletonSetupInfo ToSkeletonSetup ()
Create skeleton setup for Manus Core.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable chains

List<Chain> Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.chains;

variable colliders

List<ColliderSetup> Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.colliders;

variable id


variable lastTimestamp

CoreSDK.ManusTimestamp Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.lastTimestamp;

variable meshes

List<MeshSetup> Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.meshes;

variable name


variable nodes

List<Node> Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.nodes;

variable settings

CoreSDK.SkeletonSettings Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.settings;

variable type

CoreSDK.SkeletonType Manus.Skeletons.SkeletonData.type;

Public Functions Documentation

function GetChainWithId

Fetch specific chain with an ID.

inline Chain Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetChainWithId (
    uint p_Id


  • p_Id ID of the chain


Chain with ID or null if not found

function GetChildNodesOfNodeWithId

Fetch children of node ID.

inline IList< Node > Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetChildNodesOfNodeWithId (
    uint p_Id


  • p_Id ID of node


List of child nodes

function GetNewChainID

Get new chain ID.

inline uint Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetNewChainID () 


New chain ID

function GetNodeDepth

Go through and count depth of the node.

inline int Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetNodeDepth (
    uint p_Id


  • p_Id ID of node


Depth of the node

function GetNodeWithId

Fetch specific node with an ID.

inline Node Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetNodeWithId (
    uint p_Id


  • p_Id ID of the node


Node with ID or null if not found

function GetNodeWithName

Fetch a specific with a name.

inline Node Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetNodeWithName (
    string p_Name


  • p_Name Name of the node


Node with name or null if not found

function GetNodeWithUnityTransform

Fetch a specific with a specific Unity Transform.

inline Node Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::GetNodeWithUnityTransform (
    Transform p_Transform


  • p_Transform Unity Transform


Node with name or null if not found

function SkeletonData

inline Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::SkeletonData () 

function ToNodeList

Fetch nodes from a node ID list.

inline List< Node > Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::ToNodeList (
    List< uint > p_NodeIds


  • p_NodeIds Node IDs


List of nodes

function ToSkeletonSetup

Create skeleton setup for Manus Core.

inline CoreSDK.SkeletonSetupInfo Manus::Skeletons::SkeletonData::ToSkeletonSetup () 


Manus core skeleton setup

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Skeletons/SkeletonData.cs