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Class Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync

ClassList > Manus > Networking > Sync > ChatSync

Inherits the following classes: Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync

Public Attributes

Type Name
Text buttonText
Button chatButton
InputField chatInputField
Text chatOutputField
GameObject panel

Public Functions

Type Name
override void Clean ()
The function called when a Syncable needs to be cleaned. This function should make the IsDirty return false.
override void Initialize (NetObject p_Object)
The function called when a NetObject is Initialized.
override bool IsDirty ()
The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced.
virtual override void OnGainOwnership (NetObject p_Object)
Called when this game instance gets control of the NetObject.
virtual override void OnLoseOwnership (NetObject p_Object)
Called when this game instance loses control of the NetObject.
override void ReceiveData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg)
Receives all information that needs to be synced.
void SendChatMessage (string p_Msg)
Called when a text needs to be sent to the chat screen.
void Update ()
override void WriteData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg)
Writes all information that needs to be synced.

Public Functions inherited from Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync

See Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync

Type Name
void Clean ()
The function called when a Syncable needs to be cleaned. This function should make the IsDirty return false.
void Initialize (NetObject p_Object)
The function called when a NetObject is Initialized.
bool IsDirty ()
The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced.
virtual void OnGainOwnership (NetObject p_Object)
Called when this game instance gets control of the NetObject.
virtual void OnLoseOwnership (NetObject p_Object)
Called when this game instance loses control of the NetObject.
void ReceiveData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg)
Receives all information that needs to be synced.
void WriteData (LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg)
Writes all information that needs to be synced.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable buttonText

Text Manus.Networking.Sync.ChatSync.buttonText;

variable chatButton

Button Manus.Networking.Sync.ChatSync.chatButton;

variable chatInputField

InputField Manus.Networking.Sync.ChatSync.chatInputField;

variable chatOutputField

Text Manus.Networking.Sync.ChatSync.chatOutputField;

variable panel

GameObject Manus.Networking.Sync.ChatSync.panel;

Public Functions Documentation

function Clean

inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::Clean () 

function Initialize

The function called when a NetObject is Initialized.

inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::Initialize (
    NetObject p_Object


  • p_Object The Net Object this Sync belongs to.

function IsDirty

The function called to see if a Syncable is dirty. Returns true if it need to be Synced.

inline override bool Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::IsDirty () 


Returns true if it need to be Synced.

function OnGainOwnership

Called when this game instance gets control of the NetObject.

inline virtual override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::OnGainOwnership (
    NetObject p_Object


  • p_Object The NetObject this game instance gets control of.

Implements Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync::OnGainOwnership

function OnLoseOwnership

Called when this game instance loses control of the NetObject.

inline virtual override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::OnLoseOwnership (
    NetObject p_Object


  • p_Object The NetObject this game instance loses control of.

Implements Manus::Networking::Sync::BaseSync::OnLoseOwnership

function ReceiveData

Receives all information that needs to be synced.

inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::ReceiveData (
    LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg


  • p_Msg The buffer to read the data from

function SendChatMessage

Called when a text needs to be sent to the chat screen.

inline void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::SendChatMessage (
    string p_Msg


  • p_Msg

function Update

inline void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::Update () 

function WriteData

Writes all information that needs to be synced.

inline override void Manus::Networking::Sync::ChatSync::WriteData (
    LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg


  • p_Msg The buffer to write the data to

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/Sync/ChatSync.cs