Class Manus::Networking::SimpleNetworkManager
ClassList > Manus > Networking > SimpleNetworkManager
A sample NetworkManager implementation which can be used to host or join a game with client/server specific implementations.
Inherits the following classes: Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Public Types inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Type | Name |
enum | Status The different statuses the NetworkManager can have. |
Public Attributes inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Type | Name |
string | appIdentifier = = "MyApp" This variable defines which applications it can find and be found by. It should be unique for every project made with the NetworkManager. |
NetObject | playerPrefab The player prefab that is spawned when a player joins. |
Vector3 | playerSpawnPostion = = The world position the Players are spawned in as. |
Vector3 | playerSpawnRotation = = The world rotation the Players are spawned in as. |
int | port = = 6969 The port on which the NetworkManager creates the Server at. |
Public Properties
Type | Name |
property SimpleServer | server Casts the Peer to a SimpleServer. Returns NULL if not a SimpleServer. |
Public Properties inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Public Static Properties inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Type | Name |
property NetworkManager | instance Get the NetworkManager. |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
virtual override Client | CreateClient (NetworkManager p_Man, string p_AppID) Instantiates a SimpleClient when called by the NetworkManager. (Client functions) |
virtual override Server | CreateServer (NetworkManager p_Man, string p_AppID, int p_Port) Instantiates a SimpleServer when called by the NetworkManager. (Host & Server functions) |
Public Functions inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Type | Name |
void | Client () Creates a client for this game instance. |
void | Connect (string p_Host, int p_Port) If there is a Client available, connect to a Server at a given address and port. |
void | Connect (System.Net.IPEndPoint p_RemoteEndPoint) If there is a Client available, connect to a given Remote End Point. This function should be used in combination with the results of a LAN Discovery. |
virtual Client | CreateClient (NetworkManager p_Man, string p_AppID) Function called when creating a client, this function needs to be overridden to use a custom Client implementation! |
virtual Server | CreateServer (NetworkManager p_Man, string p_AppID, int p_Port) Function called when creating a server, this function needs to be overridden to use a custom Server implementation! |
void | DestroyObject (NetObject p_Obj) Call this function when an object needs to be destroyed. |
void | DiscoverLan () If the Client is running, find servers on the LAN. |
Client | GetClient () Returns the Client, if any is available. Returns NULL if no Client is available. |
NetObject | GetNetObject (long p_NetID) Get the NetObject with a given NetID. |
List< NetObject > | GetNetObjects () Returns all the NetObjects. |
List< NetObject > | GetNetObjectsControlledByPlayer (long p_PlayerNetID) Returns all the NetObjects that a given player controls. |
Peer | GetPeer () Returns the Peer, if any is available. Returns NULL if no Peer available. |
Server | GetServer () Returns the Server, if any is available. Returns NULL if no Server is available. |
void | Host () Creates a server and spawns the Player Prefab for this game instance. |
void | ReleaseControlOfObject (NetObject p_Obj) Call this function when you want to release control of an object. |
void | SendNetMessage (Message.Type p_Type, LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Call this function when you want to send a message. |
void | SendNetMessage (ushort p_Type, LidNet.NetBuffer p_Msg) Call this function when you want to send a message. |
void | Server () Creates a server and does NOT spawn a Player Prefab for this game instance. |
NetObject | SpawnObject (NetObject p_Obj, Vector3 p_Position, Quaternion p_Rotation) Call this function when an object needs to be created. Make sure this NetObject is in the resources folder! The return will be NULL if used as a client! |
void | TakeControlOfObject (NetObject p_Obj) Call this function when you want to take control of an object. |
Public Static Functions inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Type | Name |
NetObject[] | GetPrefabs () Gets all registered NetObject Prefabs. |
Protected Attributes inherited from Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
See Manus::Networking::NetworkManager
Public Properties Documentation
property server
Public Functions Documentation
function CreateClient
Instantiates a SimpleClient when called by the NetworkManager. (Client functions)
inline virtual override Client Manus::Networking::SimpleNetworkManager::CreateClient (
NetworkManager p_Man,
string p_AppID
The Network Managerp_AppID
The AppID
Returns the created Server
Implements Manus::Networking::NetworkManager::CreateClient
function CreateServer
Instantiates a SimpleServer when called by the NetworkManager. (Host & Server functions)
inline virtual override Server Manus::Networking::SimpleNetworkManager::CreateServer (
NetworkManager p_Man,
string p_AppID,
int p_Port
The Network Managerp_AppID
The AppIDp_Port
The Port
Returns the created Server
Implements Manus::Networking::NetworkManager::CreateServer
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/SimpleNetworkManager.cs