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Class Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager

ClassList > Manus > Networking > NetObjectManager

This Manager ensures that all NetObjects (if used correctly) have Unique IDs. The NetObjectManager should only be used via the NetworkManager, Server and Client. Using it elsewhere may cause out of sync problems.

Public Functions

Type Name
void AddNetObject (NetObject p_Obj)
Adds a NetObject to the list of NetObjects. Uses the NetID defined in the NetObject.
void AddNetObject (long p_NetID, NetObject p_Obj)
Adds a NetObject with a given NetID to the list of NetObjects. Does not assign the NetObject's NetID!
void AddNetObjects (NetObject[] p_NetObjs)
Add NetObjects, initialize them with the correct NetID's and PrefabIDs. Ensures that NetObjects get tracked when starting as a Server for enabling.
void EnableNetObjectsOnServer ()
Enables all the NetObjects that are defined to be activated when hosting as a Server.
NetObject GetNetObject (long p_NetID)
Get the NetObject with a given NetID.
List< NetObject > GetNetObjects ()
Returns all the NetObjects.
List< NetObject > GetNetObjectsControlledByPlayer (long p_PlayerNetID)
Returns all the NetObjects that a given player controls.
long GetNextNetID ()
Get the next NetID. The current implementation has a range of the Long type, which should be more than enough. (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
void InitializeControlOfAllObjects (long p_PlayerNetID)
Sets all the NetObjects' controllers to a given PlayerNetID.
NetObjectManager ()
bool RemoveNetObject (long p_NetID)
Removes a NetObject with a given NetID from the list of NetObjects.
int WriteAllNetObjectData (ref LidNet.NetBuffer p_Buffer)
Writes all NetObject data to a NetBuffer. Does not clean dirty data. It returns the amount of NetObjects written to the buffer.
int WriteDirtyNetObjectData (ref LidNet.NetBuffer p_Buffer)
Writes all dirty NetObject data to a NetBuffer. Automatically cleans the dirty data. It returns the amount of NetObjects written to the buffer.

Public Functions Documentation

function AddNetObject [1/2]

Adds a NetObject to the list of NetObjects. Uses the NetID defined in the NetObject.

inline void Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::AddNetObject (
    NetObject p_Obj


  • p_Obj NetObject to add

function AddNetObject [2/2]

Adds a NetObject with a given NetID to the list of NetObjects. Does not assign the NetObject's NetID!

inline void Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::AddNetObject (
    long p_NetID,
    NetObject p_Obj


  • p_NetID NetID to use
  • p_Obj NetObject to add

function AddNetObjects

Add NetObjects, initialize them with the correct NetID's and PrefabIDs. Ensures that NetObjects get tracked when starting as a Server for enabling.

inline void Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::AddNetObjects (
    NetObject [] p_NetObjs


  • p_NetObjs The objects to add and initialize

function EnableNetObjectsOnServer

inline void Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::EnableNetObjectsOnServer () 

function GetNetObject

Get the NetObject with a given NetID.

inline NetObject Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::GetNetObject (
    long p_NetID


  • p_NetID NetID to get


function GetNetObjects

Returns all the NetObjects.

inline List< NetObject > Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::GetNetObjects () 


A List of NetObjects

function GetNetObjectsControlledByPlayer

Returns all the NetObjects that a given player controls.

inline List< NetObject > Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::GetNetObjectsControlledByPlayer (
    long p_PlayerNetID


  • p_PlayerNetID The controller's ID


A List of NetObjects

function GetNextNetID

Get the next NetID. The current implementation has a range of the Long type, which should be more than enough. (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)

inline long Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::GetNextNetID () 


Next ID

function InitializeControlOfAllObjects

Sets all the NetObjects' controllers to a given PlayerNetID.

inline void Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::InitializeControlOfAllObjects (
    long p_PlayerNetID


  • p_PlayerNetID The Player ID to set as the controller of all the NetObjects

function NetObjectManager

inline Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::NetObjectManager () 

function RemoveNetObject

Removes a NetObject with a given NetID from the list of NetObjects.

inline bool Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::RemoveNetObject (
    long p_NetID


  • p_NetID NetID to remove


Return true if successful

function WriteAllNetObjectData

Writes all NetObject data to a NetBuffer. Does not clean dirty data. It returns the amount of NetObjects written to the buffer.

inline int Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::WriteAllNetObjectData (
    ref LidNet.NetBuffer p_Buffer


  • p_Buffer


Amount of NetObjects written to the buffer

function WriteDirtyNetObjectData

Writes all dirty NetObject data to a NetBuffer. Automatically cleans the dirty data. It returns the amount of NetObjects written to the buffer.

inline int Manus::Networking::NetObjectManager::WriteDirtyNetObjectData (
    ref LidNet.NetBuffer p_Buffer


  • p_Buffer


Amount of NetObjects written to the buffer

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/NetObjectManager.cs