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Class Manus::Networking::NetLobbyInfo

ClassList > Manus > Networking > NetLobbyInfo

Sample Lobby Info.

Public Attributes

Type Name
IPEndPoint externalHostEndpoint = = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.None, 0)
long hostID = = 0
IPEndPoint internalHostEndpoint = = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.None, 0)
int m_Ping
byte maxPlayers = = 0
byte players = = 0
string serverName = = ""
byte status = = 0
string userName = = ""

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
double s_HostRefresh = = 60
double s_HostTimeout = = 30

Public Functions

Type Name
void GiveData (ref NetOutgoingMessage p_Msg)
Write into Net Message.
NetLobbyInfo ()
NetLobbyInfo (ref NetIncomingMessage p_Msg)
Read from Net Message.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable externalHostEndpoint

IPEndPoint Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.externalHostEndpoint;

variable hostID

long Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.hostID;

variable internalHostEndpoint

IPEndPoint Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.internalHostEndpoint;

variable m_Ping

int Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.m_Ping;

variable maxPlayers

byte Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.maxPlayers;

variable players

byte Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.players;

variable serverName

string Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.serverName;

variable status

byte Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.status;

variable userName

string Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.userName;

Public Static Attributes Documentation

variable s_HostRefresh

double Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.s_HostRefresh;

variable s_HostTimeout

double Manus.Networking.NetLobbyInfo.s_HostTimeout;

Public Functions Documentation

function GiveData

Write into Net Message.

inline void Manus::Networking::NetLobbyInfo::GiveData (
    ref NetOutgoingMessage p_Msg


  • p_Msg

function NetLobbyInfo [1/2]

inline Manus::Networking::NetLobbyInfo::NetLobbyInfo () 

function NetLobbyInfo [2/2]

Read from Net Message.

inline Manus::Networking::NetLobbyInfo::NetLobbyInfo (
    ref NetIncomingMessage p_Msg


  • p_Msg

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Networking/NetLobbyInfo.cs