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Class Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable

ClassList > Manus > InteractionScene > ResettableInteractable

This class is used in the Demo to reset interactable objects to their original positions. This code is purely demonstrational and probably does not have much use outside this specific scenario.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour

Public Attributes

Type Name
Interaction.PushButton pushButton = = null

Protected Attributes

Type Name
Vector3 m_InitialPosition = =
Quaternion m_InitialRotation = = Quaternion.identity
Rigidbody m_RigidBody = = null

Protected Functions

Type Name
void Awake ()
Check for pushbutton script refrence and save initial position.
virtual void OnDisable ()
Remove self from push button on pressed interaction.
virtual void OnEnable ()
Add self to push button on pressed interaction.
void ReactToPushButtonDisabled (Interaction.PushButton p_Button)
Called when push button is disabled.
void ReactToPushButtonEnabled (Interaction.PushButton p_Button)
Reset position, rotation to initial and zero velocity.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable pushButton

Interaction.PushButton Manus.InteractionScene.ResettableInteractable.pushButton;

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable m_InitialPosition

Vector3 Manus.InteractionScene.ResettableInteractable.m_InitialPosition;

variable m_InitialRotation

Quaternion Manus.InteractionScene.ResettableInteractable.m_InitialRotation;

variable m_RigidBody

Rigidbody Manus.InteractionScene.ResettableInteractable.m_RigidBody;

Protected Functions Documentation

function Awake

inline void Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable::Awake () 

function OnDisable

inline virtual void Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable::OnDisable () 

function OnEnable

inline virtual void Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable::OnEnable () 

function ReactToPushButtonDisabled

Called when push button is disabled.

inline void Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable::ReactToPushButtonDisabled (
    Interaction.PushButton p_Button


  • p_Button Button trigger

function ReactToPushButtonEnabled

Reset position, rotation to initial and zero velocity.

inline void Manus::InteractionScene::ResettableInteractable::ReactToPushButtonEnabled (
    Interaction.PushButton p_Button


  • p_Button Button trigger

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Interaction/ResettableInteractable.cs