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Class Manus::Interaction::InteractionHand

ClassList > Manus > Interaction > InteractionHand

This class is used to detect collisions with the hand. It is required on a hand in order for CollisionAreas to find a hand.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour


Type Name
class Info
class SMRInfo

Public Attributes

Type Name
Material shadowHandMaterial = = null
float shadowHandMaxOpacity = = 0.5f
Vector2 shadowHandOpacityRange = = new Vector2(0.05f,0.2f)
float visualHandLerpMultiplier = = 50.0f

Public Properties

Type Name
property HandHaptics hand
Returns the hand this module belongs to.
property HandGrab handGrab
property Transform visualHandRoot

Public Functions

Type Name
void Setup ()

Public Static Functions

Type Name
uint GetGestureID (CommunicationHub.Landscape p_Landscape, string p_Name)
uint GetGloveID (CommunicationHub.Landscape p_Landscape, uint p_SklID, Side p_Side)
Info GetHandColliderInfo (Collider p_Collider)
A function that can be run to find a HandCollision and generate info according to the HandCollision found. Returns NULL if no HandCollision can be found.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable shadowHandMaterial

Material Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.shadowHandMaterial;

variable shadowHandMaxOpacity

float Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.shadowHandMaxOpacity;

variable shadowHandOpacityRange

Vector2 Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.shadowHandOpacityRange;

variable visualHandLerpMultiplier

float Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.visualHandLerpMultiplier;

Public Properties Documentation

property hand

HandHaptics Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.hand;

property handGrab

HandGrab Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.handGrab;

property visualHandRoot

Transform Manus.Interaction.InteractionHand.visualHandRoot;

Public Functions Documentation

function Setup

inline void Manus::Interaction::InteractionHand::Setup () 

Public Static Functions Documentation

function GetGestureID

static inline uint Manus::Interaction::InteractionHand::GetGestureID (
    CommunicationHub.Landscape p_Landscape,
    string p_Name

function GetGloveID

static inline uint Manus::Interaction::InteractionHand::GetGloveID (
    CommunicationHub.Landscape p_Landscape,
    uint p_SklID,
    Side p_Side

function GetHandColliderInfo

A function that can be run to find a HandCollision and generate info according to the HandCollision found. Returns NULL if no HandCollision can be found.

static inline Info Manus::Interaction::InteractionHand::GetHandColliderInfo (
    Collider p_Collider


  • p_Collider


Information on the Hand Collision

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Interaction/InteractionHand.cs