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Class Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject

ClassList > Manus > Interaction > GrabbableObject

This class makes an object grabbable in the most basic of ways. It changes its position and rotation according to the hands grabbing it.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour, Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable

Public Functions

Type Name
void OnAddedInteractingInfo (GrabbedObject p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Called when a new grabber starts grabbing this.
void OnGrabbedEnd (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called when this stops being grabbed.
void OnGrabbedFixedUpdate (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called every FixedUpdate when this is grabbed. This is where the position and rotation of the object is determined according to the hands.
void OnGrabbedHandPose (InteractionHand p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Poses the visual hand. (If needed)
void OnGrabbedStart (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called when this starts getting grabbed.
void OnRemovedInteractingInfo (GrabbedObject p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Called when a grabber stops grabbing this.

Public Functions inherited from Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable

See Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable

Type Name
void OnAddedInteractingInfo (GrabbedObject p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Called when a new grabber starts grabbing this.
void OnGrabbedEnd (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called when this stops being grabbed.
void OnGrabbedFixedUpdate (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called every FixedUpdate when this is grabbed.
void OnGrabbedHandPose (InteractionHand p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Poses the visual hand. (If needed)
void OnGrabbedStart (GrabbedObject p_Object)
Called when this starts getting grabbed.
void OnRemovedInteractingInfo (GrabbedObject p_Object, GrabbedObject.Info p_Info)
Called when a grabber stops grabbing this.

Public Functions Documentation

function OnAddedInteractingInfo

Called when a new grabber starts grabbing this.

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnAddedInteractingInfo (
    GrabbedObject p_Object,
    GrabbedObject.Info p_Info


  • p_Object Contains information about the grab
  • p_Info Contains information about the added grabber

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnAddedInteractingInfo

function OnGrabbedEnd

Called when this stops being grabbed.

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnGrabbedEnd (
    GrabbedObject p_Object


  • p_Object Contains information about the grab

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnGrabbedEnd

function OnGrabbedFixedUpdate

Called every FixedUpdate when this is grabbed. This is where the position and rotation of the object is determined according to the hands.

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnGrabbedFixedUpdate (
    GrabbedObject p_Object


  • p_Object Contains information about the grab

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnGrabbedFixedUpdate

function OnGrabbedHandPose

Poses the visual hand. (If needed)

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnGrabbedHandPose (
    InteractionHand p_Object,
    GrabbedObject.Info p_Info


  • p_Object

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnGrabbedHandPose

function OnGrabbedStart

Called when this starts getting grabbed.

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnGrabbedStart (
    GrabbedObject p_Object


  • p_Object Contains information about the grab

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnGrabbedStart

function OnRemovedInteractingInfo

Called when a grabber stops grabbing this.

inline void Manus::Interaction::GrabbableObject::OnRemovedInteractingInfo (
    GrabbedObject p_Object,
    GrabbedObject.Info p_Info


  • p_Object Contains information about the grab
  • p_Info Contains information about the removed grabber

Implements Manus::Interaction::IGrabbable::OnRemovedInteractingInfo

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Interaction/GrabbableObject.cs