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Class Manus::Haptics::FingerHaptics

ClassList > Manus > Haptics > FingerHaptics

This is the class which needs to be on a finger of a hand, it automatically creates Joint Haptics on children with colliders. Each of the colliders attributes to a percentage of the haptic strength. If all colliders are colliding with an object the maximum amount of haptic is triggered. For example if 3 Colliders exist on the finger, and only 2 of these are touching a collider, the haptic value will be 0.666f.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour

Public Attributes

Type Name
float collisionRange = = .8f
LayerMask layerMask = = ~0

Public Functions

Type Name
FingerType GetFingerType ()
Gets the finger type for the finger haptics.
float GetHapticValue ()
Returns the amount of haptics generated by this finger. All JointHaptics contribute equally to the amount of haptics generated, with the maximum being 1.0f.
void SetupFinger (FingerType p_FingerType)
Setup fingers for collision and haptics.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable collisionRange

float Manus.Haptics.FingerHaptics.collisionRange;

variable layerMask

LayerMask Manus.Haptics.FingerHaptics.layerMask;

Public Functions Documentation

function GetFingerType

Gets the finger type for the finger haptics.

inline FingerType Manus::Haptics::FingerHaptics::GetFingerType () 


the finger type for the current finger

function GetHapticValue

Returns the amount of haptics generated by this finger. All JointHaptics contribute equally to the amount of haptics generated, with the maximum being 1.0f.

inline float Manus::Haptics::FingerHaptics::GetHapticValue () 


Finger haptic value

function SetupFinger

Setup fingers for collision and haptics.

inline void Manus::Haptics::FingerHaptics::SetupFinger (
    FingerType p_FingerType


  • p_FingerType Finger type of finger

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Haptics/FingerHaptics.cs