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Class Manus::CoreBrowser

ClassList > Manus > CoreBrowser

Custom in scene browser for Manus Core instances.

Inherits the following classes: MonoBehaviour

Public Attributes

Type Name
Toggle autoConnect
GameObject browserPanel
RectTransform coreListRect
GameObject genericCoreButton
Toggle localHostOnly

Public Functions

Type Name
void Refresh ()
Update hosts list.
void UpdateBrowser ()
Updates the list of lobbies in the interface.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable autoConnect

Toggle Manus.CoreBrowser.autoConnect;

variable browserPanel

GameObject Manus.CoreBrowser.browserPanel;

variable coreListRect

RectTransform Manus.CoreBrowser.coreListRect;

variable genericCoreButton

GameObject Manus.CoreBrowser.genericCoreButton;

variable localHostOnly

Toggle Manus.CoreBrowser.localHostOnly;

Public Functions Documentation

function Refresh

inline void Manus::CoreBrowser::Refresh () 

function UpdateBrowser

inline void Manus::CoreBrowser::UpdateBrowser () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file api/unity-plugin/Scripts/Core/CoreBrowser.cs